Anybody else feel that Smash Ultimate isn't that good?

playing this game makes me feel like i'm going for a fifth orgasm in a row, you have to work so hard for it but all you get is a millisecond of stimulus that doesn't feel worth it at all. If they wanted to focus solely on maps and characters then they could have at least made the gameplay feel good, its like Sakurai tried to make this game feel like a NRS fighting game.

The lack of jump momentum, that large push-button lag, the awful buffering system, the dumb hitboxes every character has now with no endlag, the balloon knock back that makes free-for-all matches a chore to keep track of. It just makes me want to go play an actual fighting

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Nope sakurai is a God and can do no wrong. Git gud

It's been more than a year dude.
Let it go.
smash won


the gameplay is fine when you're playing locally or against AI but online is a fucking travesty since it all comes down to using characters who can spam as many projectiles as possible

This. Literally quanity over quality the game, i got bored the first week after playing it. I think ive just grown out of bing bing wahoo in general though, once SMTV comes out im gonna most likely sell my switch.


The input delay makes everything else suck. If cant have a good time if controlling the game feels so inaccurate

>SMT fan
Opinion discarded.

Suck my cock you cultist faggot.

Its not disdain its disappointment because its one of my favorite series, I guess some of this stuff is something little boys such as yourself wouldn't notice while you blissfully play krool or banjo in a baby smash online lobby
Its ok but thats my problem with it here I really wish they went all they way with the core gameplay isn't of just leaving it at ok. Sm4sh was kind of stinky as well but at least that had Smash Run to distract me from its problems

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Maybe because you're trying to turn a party game intended for children into a serious fighting game.

The longer I play the more I realize how unviable a lot of the roster is for online play past a certain point. If your character is not quick, has a projectile attacks, or has some sort of gimmick, just fucking forget about having any fun in high level matchmaking.

party game or not you want to feel like you at least have some semblance of control I don't even play 1v1s anymore

SMT will always be a better franchise than anything nintendo has shat out these last 10 years, keep coping manchild.

It's a comfy game I feel like I can casually throw on while sitting in my couch feeling sick and not having the energy to play other things. Something relatively mindless where I don't have to think too much.

But then again I'm not going full tryhard on the laggy multiplayer or anything like that. Just collecting spirits and whatnot.

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Literally every fighting game is shit, and Smash is the casual version of shit.

Fun to dick around in, but if you take it seriously, you're hoarding chromosomes

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I really like the game, I play with my bro

Stop playing that game and your life will improve.

*Stop playing games and your life will improve

>no you cant have autism!! Not the hecking brainerino

long live the king

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it's trash and it has worse graphics than the wiiu smash.

>tfw OPs attempt at a stealth offtopic thread fails

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I haven' t been interested in Smash since they stopped giving a fuck about the singleplayer. Melee was fantastic and Brawl had that story mode filled with fun fanservice.

Its pretty sad how low effort the single play content is in ultimate, they can't even bother to add in a boss rush mode

>world event happens that means people can only play online
>online is somehow worse than sm4sh

Quick play even stops working if you pick any rule set other than 1v1 for elite smash. The system simply does not work

nintendo successfully managed to burn me out on smash with how they're handling things
they think just adding more characters is gonna keep me coming back when it's the last god damn thing this game needs
this game is so fucking dry on content outside of characters and stages it's astonishing
classic has near-zero replayability because of one preset route for each character (though it's still better than wii u's)
all-star has been downgraded to a reskinned multi-man
smashdown and squad strike aren't available online which is a huge missed opportunity
online in general is a fucking disaster and they refuse to improve it in meaningful ways
spirits is a colossal waste of time and a poor replacement for trophies, event matches, AND an actual adventure mode all in one fell swoop
the only positive i can give is stage builder, and that wasn't even in the game at launch, and they're sure as hell not adding any more modes now
with how much was lost in exchange for having every character and almost every stage, i'm starting to think cutfags have a point

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It was pretty good but I got burnt out on it early last year. Don't feel like touching it again any time soon.

He tried to do the same with FF7R and it failed twice with both threads reaching bump limit without becoming what he wanted. Funny shit

can't believe zach is finally going to make it

I too am dyslexic

>pushbutton lag
I thought it was just my controller fucking up. The switch stinks.

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>100 stages
>90 are shit

Honestly what the fuck are they thinking with "dude let's slap 1-1 in as a stage lol" it's literally not even designed for your video game. That is the sort of shit you would find in the files as a dev test room

Its cool. Too bad the online is trash. I'm too autistic to go to locals :(

yeah ultimate has some of the worst input lag in the series but yeah you still suck

I feel like a ton of stages didn't transfer very well either, it seems like you die at 40% easily on any stages with walkoffs