How did they fuck up this bad?

How did they fuck up this bad?

I'm honestly still in denial. Part of me still hopes I'll be pleasantly surprised. That this isn't the direction Naughty Dog chose. But I doubt it. There was so many different directions they could've chose to go with this game and they picked literally the worst one possible. Not only do they kill not just one, but BOTH of our beloved protagonists from the first game. You have to play as their killer! What the fuck? Who the fuck thought of this?! I waited 7 years for this game and they somehow butchered it in the worst fucking way possible! Someone please tell me this a joke or it's not all true or some shit for the love of god!

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Now maybe you can begin to understand why Hitler didn't like the jews.

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im with you

Attached: tlou2.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Wait does Ellie die? I know that was rumored but do we have a confirmation?

Press Circle to Spit on Joel's Grave

Why are you pinning this on groups of people? It's one guy that fucked up with politics.

>video games made me a nazi
We are reaching levels of consoomer that shouldn't be possible.

I seriously hope we get to kill this bitch and all her friends as Ellie. Like when we get to get revenge for John as Jack in RDR.

Attached: TLOU2buffening.png (519x332, 80.61K)

Yeah. You play as Abby and kill Ellie who is the final boss.

Ellie doesn't fucking die, god some of you are retarded
And all you're doing by perpetuating that is making the shitstorm more tame by exaggerating. The game will come out, Ellie will not die as has already been fucking confirmed for a week, people will go "oh that's not as bad as the leak said" and then forgive the game because retards like you exaggerated so bad and fucked your own agenda up in the process. Are you stupid?

>Groups can't share common features, genes are randomly spread around the world and have no impact on the brain.

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Is there footage? I know we have the "slam square to choke Ellie" video, but she breaks out and stabs you, do we have her actual death? I need to see this with my own eyes

Jews control 98% of the entertainment industry.

Not surprising when you look at the lead designer's twitter and see he's a literal anti-white jew

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I think this scene would work well if it were used to fuel our hate for the antagonist and we still got to play as Ellie and get revenge. But no we have to play as this bitch ffs.

Then why are so many white people turning into trannies, faggots, cucks, sissies and nigger lovers? I guess that intelligence doesn't help much against muh jewish subversion kek

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Spit take on the hitler picture.

Ellie doesn't die, stop believing the shit you read here.

They literally make us fight Ellie? I might be in the minority here but I was like 13 when TLOU came out, and Ellie has always been my favorite character. I don't think Im gonna be able to kill her. Also why didn't Dina just stab that whore, wtf?

It's literally even in the resetera thread about this. It's everywhere that theyre actually archived for review. You're just a faggot thinking everything works like a rumor mill.

Kikes aren't capable of creation, only perversion.


Jabbing leaves your arm open for redirection. Slicing like that at least gives you an ability to elbow them off of you if the try at you, while if you jab they can break your arm.

>How did they fuck up this bad?

>I'm honestly still in denial. Part of me still hopes I'll be pleasantly surprised. That this isn't the direction Naughty Dog chose. But I doubt it. There was so many different directions they could've chose to go with this game and they picked literally the worst one possible. Not only do they kill not just one, but BOTH of our beloved protagonists from the first game. You have to play as their killer! What the fuck? Who the fuck thought of this?! I waited 7 years for this game and they somehow butchered it in the worst fucking way possible! Someone please tell me this a joke or it's not all true or some shit for the love of god!

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Stop pretending like she knew any of that, she's female.

I was willing to give this game the benefit of the doubt with solo Ellie but Abby makes me sick

Go back.

Yeah and it's instinct. Conditioned faggot. Jabbing isn't instinct. Hooking and swiping is.

I hate this shit so much. How does Tommy react when he finds out? Wouldn't he want to join Ellie to avenge his brother?

you only kill her group as Ellie. Then abby kills ellie in the end.

>instinct is to hook and swipe
We get it roastie, now post tits or fuck off.

All of today's leaks are here:

>never been in a fight so he doesnt understand his instincts