Bros, I think I'm in love with Tifa

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Give me two good reasons why you love her.

Honestly can't get into her flattened-with-a-frying-pan slanty eyed small chest version. Sometimes stylized or anime influences are better than just straight on realism.

>Watching my older brother play through FF7R
>he's a pretty normal ass dude, married, father, etc.
>we played the original together back in the day
>he meets Tifa and goes "this is weird, I shouldn't be this attracted to a video game character"

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the left and the right

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The left and the right what?

They turned her into a fucking cringeworthy anime schoolgirl.

Tifa hits all the right notes
>hot but cute
>young but motherly
>capable but dependent
>revealing clothes but modest personality

It's only natural

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the twins


>really glad to have you back Cloud
>really glad...
why didn't he fuck her senseless right then and there

the left tifa and the right tifa

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Ruined by modern feminism deflating her tits
they are violating our human rights by not making her have a bikini option like in the original

Cloud is a chad he makes them chase

Of the three potential love interests in the game Tifa is the best looking but also the one with the most boring personality. Compared to Aerith and Jessie she feels like the boring, mature, responsible one.

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That's why she's perfect for the autist

-asshole smell
-asshole taste

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Is Tifa the most popular waifu on Yas Forums?

Most popular on earth user


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Her twins.

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Tifa taught an entire GENERATION what it was to feel something for a video character

Switch Tifa for Rei/Asuka and maybe you're right.

>video game character

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big tits cute face

>ywn wake up and see her beautiful face smiling at you with the sun shining

Will the PC release allow us to make her boobs bigger like we did to Lulu on the shitty FFX Remaster?

Tifa has brown eyes and hair. Supposing you're white how does that make you feel? Your children probably won't have blonde hair and blue eyes.

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We've raised an entire generation of boys crying out for manic pixie dream girls to save them, lol

When Part 2 releases.

just wait till Yuffie enters the picture

that's normal.
she is genuinely perfect

This, ZR is a pleb fetish

Catherine dealt with this concept in a pretty good way, it's definitely fun to explore.

Not only that but who desire one are utterly incapable of satisfying MPDGs.

Literally everyone who crushes on Aerith would end up seeing her go with a total chad

*a total zack

>not wanting golden haired, purple eyed Mamakos to lovingly raise your grandchildren

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lmao nice try Varg

>english lip syncing
please tell me it can change to japanese

Is my brain fucked, or do her irises randomly shrink at the end of that clip?

Wait for the PC release, fag.

Doesn't she have red eyes?