
I accidentally beat the living shit out of one of these things and he wandered way, way out of the Dunes.
Do they go back after a while or do I need to put the poor bastard down
I kind of don't want to kill it even though he's an asshole because they don't respawn.

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Realistically why would you ever attempt to fight a giant sea monster with melee combat?
Oh wait now I know why, because the devs are massive cock shitting faggots who refused to allow guns in their faggot game because "Muh sandy hook."

t. secondary

i just got the game and i only went to the arora once and one of these came out of no where in the dark and killed me
and now im there again and i saw him far away
i turend around and used my seaglide and got back to home without looking back

>wah one game out of millions doesn't have guns wah
good lord you people are still ass mad about that?

>Stabbing a fish to death
>Shooting a fish to death
>Not OK
Get fucked basednautica shill.

Because I'm in a fucking invincible mecha suit and I was repeatedly decking him in the face
Also you're a retard, the Prawn has a torpedo launcher and I gassed a whole school of sharks with it


They're programmed to "surprise" the player apparently.
Get your ass into the Aurora and collect your Prawn suit parts to lay claim to his territory.

you are aware guns are useless underwater, right?

you don't fight giant sea monsters did you even play the game?

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Lmao is this actually true?
Then again I should have expected this, the sequel looks very kiked.


>The development team opted against the inclusion of firearms in the game. Charlie Cleveland, the game's director, described Subnautica as "one vote towards a world with less guns", and had felt inspired by real life gun violence, including the Sandy Hook shooting, to encourage players to think about "non-violent and more creative solutions to solve our problems".[16]

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Because it's a manned mecha and mechas use missile launchers, not handguns or other stuff like that (especially with the funny three fingered hands this one has). This is a mecha that works underwater, so it uses a torpedo launcher instead. Think about the context next time.

guns don't work underwater


firearms would unironically be boring. its way more fun to shoot things with a laser rifle that paralyzes targets and then stab them to death. or you can get into the prawn ans use claws and drills to take these fuckers down aliens style.

>tfw killed 5 stalkers just for fucking with my camera drone
don't be a fucking pussy mate, the super aggressive one sits around the back and the entrance to the ship is at the front
When you get that mecha you can beat the shit out of him

How fucking stupid are you? You honetly don't know there are guns that fire underwater?
Never post on this site again.

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Then don't use them. But don't take away everyone else's ability to use guns because you are liberal cocksucker.

>gun that fire underwater and a game where you can use a handheld device to just build shit out of thin air
for what purpose? if anything this game should have had an underwater rail gun or plasma caster or some shit.

alright this is all neat discussion but does anyone know if that little bitch will go back to the dunes or not

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This isn't Doom, you fucking bitchbaby false-flagging faggot. The point of the game isn't shooting everything that moves.

or you could just get over the fact that one game doesn't have guns maybe?


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don't be such a bitch mate there's a mod that coughs up the alien laser rifle, kills basically everything in a couple hits

Guns would unironically ruin Subnautica. You can argue that torpedos and the PRAWN are basically the same thing but they require you to get a fuckload of stuff first. Conjuring a handgun in the first few minutes of the game would have been absolutely 100% buttfuckingly retarded. It was a good decision put in the game for the wrong reasons. Stay mad, nigger.

kill it. it doesn't matter. in the end the reapers are only a minor threat for getting into the aurora and after that you only come close to them to get one of the underwater lifeboat wrecks and getting a plant for much much later into the game. the transparent metroid looking things are way neater anyways.

there are very specific guns that shoot very short distances underwater. You are given a knife, there's nothing a gun will do that will exceed that range

You literally have no argument.
There is NO logical reason not include firearms. They are not in the game only because the devs must implant their retarded far left ideology into their game.
They are fucking insane.
They literally fired an employee because she retweeted a conspiracy theorist.

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Afaik you can move their patrol routes away from their original location and it sounds like you did.
I guess you have to live with him, kill him or try to somehow get his patrol point back to his former location.
To all the gunfags in this thread:
The corporation you work for in the game said you can't have guns so you better do as they tell you.
Are you communists or something?
What's next? Are you going to found a union?

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>falseflagging libshit
lmao go cry about colombine

The logical argument is that it doesn't suit the idea of the game that you're a hapless retard unless you metagame and bumrush the prawn suit, grapple upgrade and torpedo explosives. You are genuinely retarded for thinking firearms would add ANYTHING at all to the game and are upset because the creator is a libtard.

>What the fuck??? Why aren't there black people in this game??? THE DEVELOPERS ARE NAZIS!!!
>What the fuck??? Why aren't there guns in this game??? THE DEVELOPERS ARE LIBSHITS!!!

Spot the difference here.

Just fucking kidding, there isn't one.

i wouldve liked to form a union with the sea emperor, if you know what i mean

>give me attention i'm so lonely!
Do you shit yourself into a child-raping frenzy over Mario not having guns, too?

uhhh one is liberals complaining and the other is owning the libs, there is a massive difference kid

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