Post Yas Forums approved vidya


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if you are a true nord, you will buy this game. The thought of this game makes medshits and christcucks screech in pain.


Attached: AC Valhalla.png (930x749, 85.3K)

I hereby proclaim this to be the official white man's game of 2020

Muslims and africans are the new nords

just wait until they reveal the game will have blacks somewhere

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Why isn't this on steam? I don't like using so many launchers etc.

Assassins Creed
>no assassins
>no creed

>The Viking meme

>t. medsht

damn that all black text is cool. why don't more video games do this?

Hopefully different than Odyssey. Man that game got boring quickly and I barely touched the main story. Alexios voice actor was awesome though

Why exactly are the calling this an Assassin's Creed?

For all intents and purposes, Yas Forums is Yas Forums. And judging by how many tantrums are constantly being thrown here, I'd say Yas Forums doesn't like any games but rather likes using them as a tool in their social justice campaign against da joos.

1100 kroner for et spill..

Because it's a thing that you know.

With unique sidequests like
>How many goats you can fuck
>How many baths you can avoid taking
>How many actual armies you can avoid

>following random faggots mission v 13
i think i'll pass

>viking couldn't beat Saxon warrior head on
>had to resort to dirty tricks
>said dirty tricks originate from Egypt and the middle east.

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This one has settlement colonizing

There is a screenshot of a black viking in game, fuck off

Why the fuck name it assassin's creed. I might have been interested in odyssey or origins, but the AC title made them totally uninteresting. The company has the opportunity to explore these different settings in a number of original ways, yet they choose the assassins creed format. Lots of lost potential.

Cant wait to see you guys disappointed with all the sjw pandering and black vikings

Post it

That's not a viking it's an arab

How is this shit even about assassins anymore
That's like the opposite of how vikings work, I'm pretty sure they'd consider it pretty pussy

It saves them money on having to purchase a new IP. And normies easily recognize the title, so it sells well even if it's barely an AC title.

You can still assassinate people the loud way


Aren't AC games about people going into a virtual world or something? Can't wait to see the protagonist be a Black guy larping as a viking.

>muh vikings
How are people not sick to death of them? Lets give some underused historical periods some love please.

Just like all the people who will play the game :O

Since video games and movies take years to make, it means we have to deal with their lazy ideas years after they've become stale.

they have a dumb artifact that you have to stop the bad guys from getting for the 100th time, it will be a very compelling and fun story no doubt.


Attached: VALHALLAFORAFRICANS.jpg (1279x719, 563.31K)

I think you've cracked it.

The diversity element will be an African with Scandinavian ancestory.

>woman warrior in the bottom left
More propaganda. Vikings never sent their women to war.

Back to the actual topic:

Witcher 3

There is only one purpose for a women on a ship

>Post Yas Forums approved vidya
>AAA game funded by TNC
>about Scandinavia

Hopefully the rpg shit isnt as annoying and tedious as it was in origins and odyssey


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>jews control media
>video games are media
>Yas Forums hates jews
Are you having trouble following?

>Stone castle in 9th century England
I am unironically seething. I get that these games aren't 100% historically accurate, but this is fucking ridiculous. I assume they did research about the setting, so how could they have flubbed this?

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>just wait until they reveal the game will have niggers somewhere

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