You have FIVE SECONDS to prove you still play videogames

You have FIVE SECONDS to prove you still play videogames

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Ignore the dust
I use the OSSC to play old games on a flat panel without lag

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Inb4 bonk

The cake is a lie! LOL

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I can't, I am here

I aint got to prove shit you rat

I was just playing videogame

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animal crossing new leaf

I got 18 kills in a splatoon game last night, do I need more proof than that?

I was just playing super mario galaxy

Shits cash

these shitty ambiguous reddit starter parks get worse every iteration. That shitty pic is like a horoscope of the day bait to make you say "omg thats totally meee"

I played Skyrim and I plan on buying Skyrim 2

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im playing tf2 right fucking now

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remove the "above average dick" and it's pretty much me

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I finished Yakuza 0 a week ago, just finished Kiwami, and bought Kiwami 2 an hour ago.

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Uhhhhh Jackie chan

new minecraft snapshot sucks

I just beat ff7

What's wrong with it? The 1.16 snapshots have been great in my opinion


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dumb ratposter

Played Witcher 3 first time while waiting for Mondern Warfare to update it's bullshit 10gb patch.

Only at No Mans Land and actually enjoying it more than tanks on top of a hill killing everyone in one shot.

is this supposed to prove you still play videgames? from all the dust one can assume you haven't played video games in years

i only have one more pizza delivery left in death stranding

I play cod nearly every day

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I'm playing Final Fantasy 6 on an snes emulator. I would love to play it on original hardware, but I don't have a CRT

small dick gang

I had a meteor shower for the first time 2 nights ago in Animal Crossing. Was litty.

Then get an OSSC and an RGB-SCART cable