I'm 100% sure the leaks are intentional

I'm 100% sure the leaks are intentional.

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Imagine leaking something without taking your name off of the video.

The leaker intentionally leaked them yes.

I hope that they are, you couldn’t tell me that every single writer on the game’s team agreed that tranny beating children is a good idea.

Where would we be without tinfoilers.

>TFW You make an unintentional leak

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Well yeah, they treated the employee like shit
Of course they intentionally leaked them, to fuck over Naughty Dog

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As in, the marketing team thought of it ?
Higly doubt it
Howerver, the leak definitely comes from the inside of the company, which is not surprising when you hear the stories

I'm leaking right now

Not by Naughty Dog this is a major security breach that will cost them sales

Naughty Dog intentionally wanted people to save money?

Nah. There are people who were going to buy it anyways, people who have somehow avoided spoilers that will buy it but most of the people who had their doubts about the game are totally out at this point. Plus it's just a movie game so not like I can't just watch it in youtube, if I watched streamers and I dont. I'm just here to enjoy the shitstorm.

>implying the only one who doesnt hate TLOU II is Cuckmann

Nah, but the idiot who did it will, if he's lucky, never work in tech again. If he's not he'll be sued for everything he's worth.

And he should be, I mean he fucked his team, he fucked his company, it may not make a huge dent in sales with the normalfags but i bet they'll easily lose a few million because of him.

I mean i have a nondisclosure at work. He refused to sign, he was always going to leak it, the law is not on his side.

Should be entertaining.

Nah, most people won't skip it. Not over tranny memes when there's no trannies in the game, not over a guy who fucked his own teammates and company.

It's stupid, and most regular people will never see any of the shit on v.


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They wanted him to sign a nondisclosure. Film studios do the same thing. He refused, and then he leaked it.

He's going to be so fucking sued. And he's stupid. Even if ND doesn't sue him, Sony will.

>Game gets leaked in its entirety
>"There's no way this could be an accident"
OP is a fucking retard

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Seethe bootlicker.

yeah prbly lol, game is still gonna make millions thats the funny part

The gameplay still looks pretty good, hopefully there's enough of it

Why would they leak the ending to the game? I could even understand the joel death thing, that would be so upsetting and infuriating that it would spur on lots of speculation and discussion. But we literally now know how the game ends, for what reason would we ever play it?

Told you so

No, OP. It was unintentional.

>tfw had massive shemale fantasy from years of futanari exposure
>when I finally meet a tranny to suck off it's just sucking off a dude with really fake tits.

I did it twice to make sure I hate it.

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You're right but then again I wish people weren't too hasty to buy a product without checking quality first. Let a few guys test the waters and if it's good everyone else jumps in, otherwise why would anyone want to buy a product with subpar quality? Shit makes no sense.

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If he's lucky? That's literally the worst case scenario for him. You fags overestimate the amount of time and money a company is willing to blow trying to get blood out of a stone by suing some QA scrub

I doubt they'd hire him if he didn't sign an NDA. He's fucked. Or they're fucked since there are multiple names in different videos.

There's only 2 reasons why it might have leaked intentionally, right?

> Developer was not happy with the direction of the narrative


> Developer was upset with being peer-pressured into working long hours

>employees complaining about pay
>leak content and blame it on employees so you can act the victim and continue jewing them

oldest jew maneuver in the manual, right next to remove foreskin with teeth and suck until bleeding stops, then charge parents $1500

Keep coping that your game is being made into a laughing stock, Neil.

The lowest paid full-time employees at ND, or any of Sony's first party studios, get paid 6 figures minimum, and are compensated for overtime

He didn't fuck anybody, ND fucked themselves with making a shitty game. Everyone there is at fault.

did they leak the opening too? people are talking abuot it

Based Phil Spencer will hire him

Not all heroes wear capes, whoever leaked the game did a service to us all.

90 Metacritic, 3.8 User Score.

It will sell to people who want it and people who are outraged at the direction will review bomb the shit out of it.

It's just like Death Stranding.

I'm positive that they did this intentionally.

It was never about money, and they all knew that. It was about subversion and propaganda.

It's the same thing with Emma Watson's "leaked" "nudes".

All of the pictures that included her face, didn't include any nudity, and all of the pictures that had nudity, didn't include her face (or any real way to "prove" it was her).

Why did she do this? So she could screech about the fappening and misogyny and gender based violence and get her name back in the headlines. After HP ended her star power all but evaporated. Then she's talking to the UN, she's a real life Disney Princess, she's a founder of the #timesup movement and #metoo activist and she's being talked about.

Sometimes dumb fucks false flag themselves. Think V for Vendetta. Wag the Dog.

Even though Druckman is a hack and no one likes him, he still has to answer to people. He can still be vetoed and overruled. So while he may control a lot of the creative minutiae of the game, he doesn't get to do what he does without someone giving him permission to do so.

Once it became clear that he was fucking it up, Hennig poisoning the well against him didn't help, massive crunch frustration, the game got delayed what? 4 times? All of this adds up.

So ND is doing themselves a bit of pre-shitshow damage control. "Leak" all the worst stuff. If people say they like it, they have a loyal fanbase who will market for them and take on their suffering as poor victims of this horrible horrible crime. They get victim points and SJW sisterhood oppression Olympics medals and are one with the titty twisted tribe.

If the leak "loses" them any sales, they can blame the leak itself, not the game being shit. They can rail on and on and on about Gamergate, toxic masculinity, Russian trolls, whatever the fuck they want.

They built themselves a win-win scenario either way. Dismiss their motives being financial and you'll see for yourself.

wish we got more gameplay rather than cutscenes.

the boss fight vs ellie reminded me of TLOU's boss fight vs the cannibal rapist

>he fucked his team
you mean the one that wasn't being paid?
>he fucked his company
you mean the one that wasn't paying him?

>Druckmann gives himself an early bonus
>leaks the game himself causing interest to flatline
>devs don't get a bonus because the game wasn't profitable enough
All according to keikaku.

that is without a doubt the worst conspiracy theory i've ever heard about the fappening

or a dev went baby mode when he couldn't get money because of Corona lockdown. No conspiracy necessary.