Trials of Mana
Post your favorite remake track. Mine's
Too bad you don't get to hear it because the final final boss phase dies in 30 seconds.
Trials of Mana
Post your favorite remake track. Mine's
Too bad you don't get to hear it because the final final boss phase dies in 30 seconds.
It's animal abuse.
too cute
To the user in the last thread saying the demons no longer drop class change seeds: Untrue! Still not sure if it's worth grinding, though.
>Game wooks it's fwom 2009
>Poow twanswation in the yeaw 2020, especiawwy when we'we nyot in the PSX days anymowe
>Bawewy anything to do post game
>Gamepway is swuggish and mowe swow than the owiginyaw
>Youw pawty membews bawewy has wewevancy in the stowy
>Evewything is extwemewy winyeaw
>The viwwages awe aww empty with pewsonyawity
>Wecwasses awe wazy wooking than unyique
>The VA fow the dub is gawbage
>The game is easy except fow onye boss that's eawwy game
>The modews awe vewy wigid, showing they didn't cawe putting much of a effowt fow anyimation
>Chawging fuww pwice fow a game wike this fow $60
>Thewe's bawewy any wisks in the game
>Evewything is uttewwy pwedictabwe
>Doesn't bothew to change things up to make things intewesting
>It feews wike Dwagon Quest but aww of the stuff that made Dwagon Quest good been sucked out
>Game is vewy showt but feew wike it's awtificiawwy padded out
>Anyimations fow spewws wooks wowse than the owiginyaw
>The ost is wowse than the owiginyaw
>Textuwes awe uvw-satuwated
>The combat is too easy despite the tewwibwe gamepway
>The finyaw boss is a joke
>The onwy wepway vawue is just diffewent pawty membews, nyothing ewse
>Wooks wowse than FF13, a game that was on pwevious gen
>Switch vewsion pways wike shit
>Wiww wikewy nyevew be cwacked since it's pwotected by Devunyo and nyobody is gonnya bothew cwacking a souwwess wemake uvw othew games
>The game is wikewy to have poow sawes since it's a wemake nyobody asked fow(Inb4 somebody say something about FF7W being a wemake nyobody asked fow)
>The stowy is mowe bwand and genyewic than the pwot in Mawio and Wuigi WPG titwes
>Onwy getting attention because it's to combat FF7W posts hewe
>Onwy getting attention because peopwe awe using as a exampwe on how you do a wemake, which is wwong since this game is on the same wevew of being a tewwibwe wemake wike Majowa Mask 3D
>The mod to remove the frills on Angela's clothes
I'm tempted even though I usually don't use mods like this.
>Got three seeds
>The ones I want for Duran and Riesz
>No Hawkeye ones
don't use your seeds until you get all 6 dummy
You cannot get duplicates unless you already used them to class change someone so yeah like said, get all 6 at once means you will have all the options.
I literally can't even begin to guess what the Moon benevodon must be weak too, especially after learning the Wood guy was weak to Wind for some reason.
It has no weakness.
He's weak to nothing.
How do ??? seeds work? I'm at the Sanctuary of Mana and the game is really beating me over the head that i should do my 2nd class change.
So there's really no good reason to pick Duelist over Edelfrei?
And no good reason to choose Paladin over Liege?
the Sun
Deulist is gimped as fuck compared to Edelfrei.
Leige has better support compared to paladin, while having the shittiest CS of all of his classes.
does the level 3 class choice impact the stats of a level 4 class?
But it's not enough to make a real difference.
everything is weak to angela (except rune seer angela)
Just beat shadow Angela on hard. Feels damn good.
Liege's AoE is the worst but single target CS have the advantage over AoE in that it stunlocks the target while the animation is playing out. You can whiff the AoE ones because enemies are free to move/warp if they so please.
After beating the fourth benevedon I talked to the cat merchants and I fucking pressed through some kind of explanation of this place called "Bedda" in the woods somewhere, I can't even prompt the message again. Wtf were they talking about
A town that'll open up after you beat 7/8 of the godbeasts.
It'll come up later on don't worry.
the original game really did have a terrific score
It gets brought up later in the game. But they were saying you can get good gear there.
Do a Berserker will have roughly the same strength regardless of whether you were Edelfrei or Duelsit?
I guess her AI's just shit. Mine's a Grand Diviner and all she does is attack with her staff and cast Evil Gate.
Maybe I'm just a big nostalgia fag but my favorite tracks, i think, are better in the original.
That being said I really liked Electric Talk in the remake.
Also hate how they didn't use Frenzy for all of the forest area for the wood benevodon.
Try taking manual control for a couple minutes and spamming LucentBeam+.
Nuclear Fusion is still one of my favorite songs in video game. Too bad they butchered the remix in Trials
the masked mage was heath's dad? da fuk?
I also have no idea what the fuck the whole plot of that town was. Why was it a portal into the past, or something. Why did it after you sleep at the inn? What's with the innkeeper hiding?
Sorry for brainlet lore question.
I must've statted her wrong or something, everybody says she's supposed to have functionally infinite MP but over the course of a few battles I slowly start to bleed MP doing that.
Is it better to debuff enemies or buff yourself? Lance dumbo pretty much is making me choose between that.
Seems fine to me
Get the MP cost reduction skills
Get the MP regen skill
Get the skill to boost damage by 5% and 25/35%
And enjoy doing 1.4k+ damage per 8 MP used
Also get MP from defeated enemies as it'll keep the MP coming.
Also have to be Grand Divina for the 15% MP back after every battle.
Absolute unit
Yes, that's probably true. You're going to want
1) MP Saver/Regen
2) LucentBeam+
3) All the damage boost abilities.
In that order. Everything else is secondary.
It's worth paying to respec her. There's a reason we keep harping on Light Angela being stupid fucking broken.
LD Hawk/DD Kevin/DD Charlotte good enough?
Plant them like item seeds. you get a "random" class change item from them, but they change it so every benevodon dungeon has an chest with a seed in it, and you're warranted to get all six items you would need to change to either class.
The other way to get seeds is from enemies are they are quite rare, I had the double stacked the drop item ability on hawkeye and I didn't get shit from any dungeon, and I didn't skipped a single fight.
in the original game, the creature that got killed last was the creature that dropped treasure according to their data. to get the ??? and weapon/armor seeds, you had to kill those creatures last, which could make fights more difficult. did that mechanic survive in this game? i want to play it but i can't at the moment
The benevodons aren't even freed yet. That's some real mixed message shit right there.