[Petition] Square Enix Must Change The Title of "Final Fantasy VII Remake" And Refund Its Customers

Sign the petition below:



Attached: Final Fantasy VII Remake (Cover).jpg (622x794, 166.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

arch.b4k.co/v/search/subject/[Petition] Square Enix Must Change The Title of "Final Fantasy VII Remake" And Refund Its Customers/
arch.b4k.co/v/search/text/ [Petition]/type/op/

Woaw, "83 have signed", that's Phenomenal!!!

kill yourself, you dumb nigger

Attached: remake.png (448x158, 3.46K)

ok, that does it.

Attached: 1587697229027.jpg (817x761, 66.59K)

If you bought this after the demo released you only have yourself to blame.

i signed it just to spite you

arch.b4k.co/v/search/subject/[Petition] Square Enix Must Change The Title of "Final Fantasy VII Remake" And Refund Its Customers/
>25 threads
>83 people have signed
You get less than 4 people per thread to sign your stupid shit.

Woaw, "83 have signed", that's Phenomenal!!!

put 'sage' in the Options field when you're posting in shitposting threads

Woaw, "83 have signed", that's Phenomenal!!!

Lol, he made you spit at your own face, lmao

Every day until you like it lol.

Woaw, "84 have signed", that's Phenomenal!!!

I love seeing peasants struggle against corporate greed

OP, get a fucking life:
arch.b4k.co/v/search/text/ [Petition]/type/op/

This is dumb.
Remake can mean many things, among those it can mean "to make something again as new". Even if you tried to sue them you would end up getting nowhere.

You first.


"A remake tells the same story as the original but uses a different cast and may alter the theme or target audience."

>The word remake has only one meaning
Don't be this much of an autist, I'm outta here.

>alter the theme
learn to read next time champ

>using wikipedia as a source

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A remake is to “tell a story again that has been told before, in the same modality in which it has been told before.”

Leitch, Björn Bohnenkamp and colleagues
Journal of Cultural Economics

Bless you OP, look at all the people you've triggered.

Seriously is there one and just fucking ONE situation where this cringe website even worked for something?

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this is an apa citation board. fuck off

FF7 Remake changes the story and is therefor, by definition, not a remake.

How about you provide a source that says a remake can do whatever the fuck it wants with a story.


>changed the story
yeah, a remake can do that...

>FF7 Remake changes the story and is therefor, by definition, not a remake.
>How about you provide a source that says a remake can do whatever the fuck it wants with a story.

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No it can't. Then it's a reimagining.

you like SquareEnix to fuck your tight little ass hole, huh? Good whore.

Is that the only counter you had avaiable? Your brain must be underdeveloped because your moms inverted nipples didn't provide enough milk.

it's not altered extremely to be considered a reimagining

Nomura even said that the "Remake" in the title has another meaning.

Attached: FF7NomuraRemake.jpg (1080x1263, 420.28K)

take care, otherwise, Square Enix will make you bleed through your tight little ass hole, Lol, but you are a good whore, everybody knows you like that.

if the word "remake" has an underlying connotative meaning, then such a label shouldn't be a problem. it is a "remake" in its own sense

You act like everything is different. About 90-95% is the same. It follows the same story path with certain things happening at the same time. Yes it expands areas but with newer technology that’s going to happen. I can see where you are coming from and that you wanted a 1:1 remake which is fine, but don’t act like everything is completely different in it.

Forget about inverted nipples, your brain seems so underdeveloped, your mom must have had negative tits lmao

shut the petition down OP its being looked into

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