If vikings were so peaceful and noble as the trailer suggested, why would they even raid and pillage to begin with?

If vikings were so peaceful and noble as the trailer suggested, why would they even raid and pillage to begin with?
The English were just defending themselves

Attached: Snow Monkey.jpg (920x518, 81.52K)

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if Christians were so peaceful and noble, why would they even raid and pillage to begin with?
The Muslims and Byzantines were just defending themselves

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Literally applies to fucking everywhere
Sparing the women and children was fucking stupid though

Muslims were just more violent cryptokikes at the time.

If Christians were so peaceful and noble, why would they exterminate american natives, rape their children and wipe their cultures?

Wasn't the near-east already owned and pillaged by turks?

because the english are templars you nonce

You just know half of the viking forces will be female BADASS shieldmaidens, plus muslim vikings and sheit

Disease did most the work but due to a serious lack of major diplomatic relations undermined by monetary interests natives were thrown into one lot. A majority of slaughter can be attributed to the crown and workings of aristocracy. Hence why America is considered such a huge threat even today. It's the only country of its kind. Thanks in part to the French.

Christians were defending against muslims, but also christians raped and pillaged central and south america.

Because britbong attack first

based This Land is Mine poster

bro right?
>oh look how noble they are

Fuck off Varg

Europe belongs to the nordics, i'm black but i know who is the real master race so i will offer my black daughter to a strong Scandinavian man

>why would they even raid and pillage to begin with?
Only a very tiny minority ever went out on raids. Most tribes never did it at all.

build a great big wall and keep those snow nigs out

Read The Long Ships. It's an amazing story and it'll also answer your question and possibly many other questions you might have, because the story is fairly faithful to reality.

But you clearly see the "good ones" doing one

The english were invaders and christians so it's justified to cut their heads in half with an axe

>why would they even raid and pillage to begin with?

Because the Byzantine's literally asked all of Europe to help them fend off the invading muslim hordes.

Attached: first crusade.jpg (444x197, 49.02K)

Guess he isn't one of the good ones. I don't know. The trailer is shock full of grave historical inaccuracies. So I don't know.

>Imigrants are peacefully coming into europe to rape and change our culture
>We are evil if we put up any resistance
Get on with the modern times bro. To Valhalla bro (hopefully not Ubisoft version where all Valkrures look like the rest of their characters)

list them

>No More levels/duplicate loot items:

>No more superpowers/mythological god battles:

Social stealth is also coming back, shields are coming back, as well as expanded environmental stealth.

Attached: 4chPromoIMGtagline.png (1080x1063, 1.56M)

Everyone raid and rob in the era, dumb dumb, even the anglo-saxons were raiding the scots and irish.

Peace =/= Noble

I'm so excited for everyone to tell me how they got into Nordic Viking culture before it was cool again.

>If Christians were so peace and noble why would they do this thing I made up?

Is good gameplay in? No? What a shame.

Skyrim was 10 years ago.

Viking were never uncool.

Can you list the ACCURACIES? HMMMM?

I hope the loot system isn't colored, it literally looked like fortnite in Odyssey

Because Jerusalem is rightful Christian clay

>The story fits into what has been setup within the worlds of Odyssey and Origins and we’ll see some familiar characters
Prepare to have to deal with the modernage bitch again

user...you win.

I don't know, I was just curious

where is his hood?
I thought this was an Assassins Creed game?

Will this game lead zoomers into paganism? I sure hope so

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The same reason anyone raided their neighbors throughout history - lack of resources. The Vikings raided because Scandinavia is a harsh environment where farming and fishing isn't enough to sustain a large population. They raided for supplies to build a larger civilization, then used the increased manpower to leverage in politics. They negotiated for land in less inhospitable climates, expanded their empire, and inevitably integrated into European society.

I get that the Viking trend is annoying (I've been practicing Asatru since before every dudebro started pretending they were Ragnar Lothbrok, so I'm probably more annoyed than most normies), but they were no more barbaric than any other people of the era. Christians are just asspained because Vikings are seen as the cooler historical people and can't cope with the trend. It's really fucking gay, because foe all of the bitter posting about how Vikings got rekt by Saxons and Frenchmen, they can't get ovee the fact that they won. Scars never heal, I guess.

This is what you get when you rape an entire society, burn their culture to the ground, and leave only hearsay and myths as memory. People romanticize and fill the gaps with their fantasies.

For starters there is like no spear in sight, which is the weapon that the vikings were the most associated with. The weapon that they had tied to numerous rituals, off and on the battlefield. The weapon that was literally mandatory for one to be allowed to join as a raider. And the weapon associated with Odin, which the sea raiding people were associated with. Odin that also shows up in the very trailer, which accurately pushes this connection, but does so without a single spear anywhere. All with axes all over the place which is not accurate at all.
Vikings of higher status used spears and had sword sidearms, while the rest were still using spears. Also throwing spears specifically was something they used a ton of.

They also weren't that rugged and dirty. The whole dirty barbarian savage description angle comes from monks from raided monasteries. Your typical norse peasants were less dirty/savage than these records, but the vikings out on raids in particular were typically richer than the rest and wore even classier clothes/equipment etc.
They weren't drunk fucking dwarves.

>No more levels/duplicate loot items

Attached: abitclosertoheaven.jpg (427x300, 34.47K)

that's a pretty lass

>That guy who was totally not the Mountain from GoT

They'll probably still have tiers , but you won't get a common blue sword 500 times In a row any more, each item is unique.

>they can't get ovee the fact that they won
The Vikings? They lost.

They follow the law of Odin the true authority in this world

Spears, maces, axes, shields, flails, halberds, swords, and greatswords are all confirmed.

I agree that the Norse men's clothes look like fucking shit.

It's really hard to see anyone calling themselves a pagan as anything other than a hardcore contrarian with flimsy beliefs if any at all, that doesn't actually buy what they're preaching but are only taking on the persona because it contradicts the mainstream.

A pagan is something others outside of the established faith are called. It's not something you call yourself. No one has ever called themselves a pagan before the modern era. Paganism isn't a faith. It's an other:ing of foreign faiths.

And yet all of a sudden it's a thing. And a shockingly huge thing at that.

It's a case of taking the insult and using it against the ones who insulted you

Much like the cringeworthy ass "church of Satan" doesn't actually worship Satan but instead is about religious freedom or whatever the fuck

No, the Christians. Christian Europe defeated the Vikings both at war and in culture. They crushed the Vikings, subverted their culture, burned their temples, and destroyed their texts. They won by near total annihilation.

What I meant was that, despite all this, Christian Europeans are still ass mad people think Vikings are cool. The sheer anger in any Pagan v. Christian thread on Yas Forums will show you how absolutely seething Christians are that anyone would rather return to Asatru despite the Vikings themselves converting.

It's the only thing more irritating than some douchebag at the gym with a Valknut tattoo talking about how he totally is a viking after seeing the tv show.

not to mention all the actual pagan warriors converted to Christianity but the ones who aren't warriors want to convert back

Attached: FatPaganFaggot.jpg (720x960, 199.05K)

Proof pagan warriors converted to Christianity?

Sound like horse ass.

Those early converts still practiced all their traditions they simply stuck a cross beside it