Why did blizzard kill HotS?

why did blizzard kill HotS?

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Didn't rake the billions Dota and LoL did

Why do normalfag “memes” now solely consist of taking screenshots of movies and labelling the characters?

They don’t know how to use photo editing software.

I think they are funny sometimes, Thanos memes are funny.

people from reddit aren't funny

was it better back then?

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Why would a vampire even go to school?

What is funny is funny I give less than half a single fuck about the source.

Smells r*ddit from you. Go neck yourself tard

Better idea, come here and suck my fat dick, faggot.

fuck if i know dude

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>Sucking dick from a r*ddit user.
Lol, tranny

They got into the MOBA game waaaay too late, the market was already saturated with other better games, so they just said fuck it, and now only a skeleton crew maintains and sometimes makes a new character

>I keep getting older and the girls stay the same age

This game should be dead by now... any second from now

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old but gold

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What is it faggot, too afraid to suck my filthy dick? what are you? gay?

Because I am not attracted to trannies who still defend this game. Get fucked

Longest gif ever what the acutal freaking fuck.

i'm glad gifs died out

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Its okay if you don't get it

How have you never seen that before?

All that CG and they couldn't get the yellow out of Paul Bettany's teeth

What game user? this is not about videogames is about if you are man enough to suck my masculine and veiny dick or not.

he just got here last week when the TLOU was leaked of course he hasn't

this has NEVER been funny

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And I still don't know where this is from

I still like gifs over webms.


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They have a certain charm to them webms are obviously better so is just personal preference.

Soul souless

garth merenghi's darkplace

gifs are cool for short things and webms are great for longer things so you can click thru it or speed it up. Fuck 1-3 second loop webms.