Assassin's Creed: Valhalla is Ubisoft's last chance to fix Layla as a character...

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla is Ubisoft's last chance to fix Layla as a character, and actually deliver on all the wild and crazy stuff they've set up in Origins and failed to deliver in Odyssey. Hopefully the writers behind AC4 and Origins being in charge again will result in a game that feels like a conclusion and salvages what came before.

Attached: Layla Hassan.jpg (1200x675, 51.31K)

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Who the fuck cares about modern day in AC?

Who is Layla? I haven't played in a while.

Attached: AC1_Altair_blending_with_Scholars.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

>No More levels/duplicate loot items:

>No more superpowers/mythological god battles:

Social stealth is also coming back, shields are coming back, as well as expanded environmental stealth. Fuck yes bros.

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everyone who liked the franchise before III and has been watching them rape the context into the ground since. Its a matter of closure not just interest

What even happens in the modern day one now? I thought the world ended or some shit. Last one I played was 4.

Who gives a fuck? Modern day is the worst part in these games and shouldn't be there.

Some lesbian bitch working for Abstergo, but doing her own thing

You simpleton normies ruin everything.

Now what about requiring an internet to play: Can you okay it offline. I'N WORRIED after Breakpoint

no one cares about the modern world in these games I just want to play my historic simulator

They let you play origins offline. Not Odyssey. But this is by the origins team so unless Ubi is forcing them, I don't think they'll force you.

Nobody plays AC for modern day fuck off. Ubisoft doesn't even have a clue what to do with it and it matters not one bit.

The only Asscreed where the modern day was remotely good was 1, because it pulled off the conspiracy and ancient aliens shit in a really subtle, creepy, cryptic way. As soon as 2 started and you joined the quirky diverse hackers squad it was completely downhill.

Attached: IMG_bb5597e6-130a-45ab-bcd4-3435fbba3b88.png (1920x1080, 1.41M)

>Not Odyssey
I played Odyssey offline not even two hours ago, what?

I liked the modern day parts, too bad it never went anywhere

i dont care about story after 2 and believe me i tried

One of the biggest things missing is the time hijinx. I remember in Revelations the big reveal at the end of Altair’s library being empty, he sits in the chair to die and it pivots around to show Ezio, only for him to find out later that his whole adventure was just a message for someone else (Desmond).

Too bad they never made a fully modern day AC, huh?

The chosen one. Capable of rewriting reality using her animus to bring back the Isu.

Originally it required internet on PC and consoles. They may have patched it later

>Nobody plays AC for modern day fuck off.
There is no "modern day" per se. Remember that in Assassin's Creed, everything is a simulation. It's all a hostile simulation trying to get rid of the humans through natural disasters, wars, etc. You exit and enter the animus, and you're really just simulation hopping. You're not a real person, user. You're just a computer simulation of a real person. Is there a real world at some layer? Maybe. Maybe not. But unless you escape, the simulation is going to kill you. AC is basically the Matrix, but with "what if Zion was just another Matrix" being canon.

If you're not interested in the story of an ancient civilization that created humans as slave labour and potential fucktoys, before they were wiped out in a great catastrophe, leaving their mentally handicapped slaves in charge of the planet, you're playing the wrong series. I sometimes think that some people use AC as a substitute. They don't actually want AC. They just want some historical RPG series instead. They demand that AC ditch all its unique elements knowing full well that they'll jump ship to a competitor the moment it comes along. Never pander to the people who want your IP to lose its unique aspects. Because those people won't keep coming back.

Shit lore introduced by Odyssey. No one cares

Interesting if true.


...what the fuck did I just read? I have no idea.

It's weird how many people don't realize that Desmond's death did fuck-all. It just made the simulation go "Rerouting..." for a few years until it found an alternate way to kill all the humans since the sweet-ass 2012 solar thing didn't work. I always wondered if the nukes in Far Cry 5 were the end of the world from AC. The Isu use veeeeeery similar phrasing to Joseph Seed.

>AC Origins: "The Doomsday clock, tucked away in an office of the University of Chicago. Its needle moving as the years ago. The node is near. Perhaps you knew. Perhaps you felt it too. That the world is closing in on you."
>Far Cry 5: "Something is coming. You can feel it, can't you? That we are creeping toward the edge."
It seems to much of a coincidence that the Isu are warning that the Doomsday Clock is about to strike, and they use very similar terminology to Joseph Seed, which has genuine prophetic abilities, as does Faith Seed. It's not impossible that Joseph is a Sage.

No, it was introduced by Origins. And it was based on ideas kicked around in much earlier games. The idea that the Isu were interested in time travel/changing the past was present in AC1, but it has come to the forefront since.

i havent even played ac since i beat 3

god the buildup and promise of modern day shenanigans in 1 and 2 was such a good hook

fuck ubisoft to hell

I don't pay attention to the modern day or alien "lore" so I don't care

cool beans

I stopped playing after Syndicate cause I thought the combat changes seemed weird and not needed. Is it any good?