The Elderscrolls: Morrowind

Is Morrowind even playable in modern times without overhaul anons?

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This is an ESO fag thread I can see

>hit someone
What the fuck were they thinking?

yes it is, stop being a faggot

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ura duplicate reply

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No. All Elder Scrolls games are only playable with 20+ mods installed. Pretty common knowledge, OP.

yea you just need to not be a retard is all. apparently thats quite hard nowadays tho.

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don't bother. the only time i listened to Yas Forums and it was such a god awful experience. morrowind is shit and so is skyrim where my oblivionchads at

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>critiques an rpg for having abstracted, diced-based combat
They were thinking their target audience would be smart enough to follow the math involved in their system and not get distracted by graphics and animations.

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I mean to be honest were Morrowind, Obilivoin, or Skyrim ever playable without heavily modding?

Its always been nice to touch up Morrowind, Obilivion was boring as shit without some added stuff to do, and Skyrim I wouldn't do without at least a start mod because fuck that hay ride to Camelot opening was so god damn boring. Morrowind did at least look decent for its time. The other two were fuck ugly tho, Oblivion for its people and Skyrim for its texture.

True dat!

>Truck coming towards you at 100MPH

oblivion has the best quests outside the main quest why are Skyrim quests so boring in comparison

oblivon is perfect vanilla. i even stand by playing it on a PS3

Oh God, must not play elder scrolls games on your console. You lose the ability to mod or engage in TES.

I haven't played in a while.

Did they ever finish that "morrowblivion" total mod? Morrowind with oblivion graphics and combat would be nice

Playable? Yes. Enjoyable? Depends. Do you like dnd? Do you like figuring shit out without someone to hold your hand? Are you willing to overlook the fact that it's aged like a half gallon of warm milk?

Morrowind was a very good game when it came out. Playing it now is like playing halo 1. An interesting genre study but not really a good time waster

Morrowind is amazing for about 10 hours until you realize that out of the 20 lines every NPC has they share about 18 of them with everyone else.

>play morrowind for combat
What were you thinking?

Morrowind is the only one worth playing, full stop. Mods don't fix Oblivion and Skyrim being Oblivion and Skyrim.

I think they switched to Skywind.

>Playing it now is like playing halo 1
Retard opinion. Halo 1 is way better than recent fps games.

Meant to tag

FUCK i promised to help him but i forgot to do that!

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Finished a playthrough recently and it still holds up. Kinda bummed about the PC Steam release capping skill levels, though--there was no limit in the Xbox release and I had loads of fun dicking with that. Morrowind will always stick with me because it legitimately felt like you were on an adventure in this foreign, alien land--it felt familiar, sort of, but coming in blind and not knowing anything about the land was such a trip compared to Oblivion just being generic fantasy land #334 instead of being surrounded by rainforests and all of the stuff the lore talks about. Skyrim also fell short, but that went way beyond visuals. Morrowind's the only one (and sometimes Daggerfall) that I find myself wandering back into every 2 or 3 years.

There's something about the nature of modded oblivion that just exudes an uncurated, chaotic experience that I have been unable to replicate. It's completely incoherent without actively trying to be incoherent.

There were incredible amounts of mods that just added entire weird unfinished realms to explore and fuck around in without NPCs or quests. Auriel's retreat, elsweyr: deserts of anequina, the weird celestial realm in midas magic... It evoked a sort of 'in-between' feeling where the places felt somehow more natural because every inch wasn't micromanaged and overdesigned

Sort of like places in dark souls and hollow knight, where you feel like you've fallen through the cracks in the game and stumbled upon something that feels like it only exists to connect two other areas and therefore has defining characteristics of neither

Certain mods for oblivion evoke that same sort of "am I really supposed to be here" feeling and that's something I'm incredibly nostalgic for

Yeah, only thing that can really get to you is slow traveling on your first playthrough, since you don't know all the ways of going FAST. Everything else is accessible. Remember, stoners and dudebros played the shit out of it on og xbox.

Why the wall is not visible. Kind of looses it's point without it.

how do I make my game look like this, just started a new playthrough yesturday

there are plenty of mods for skyrim that don't give a shit about the tone of the setting.

just download a bunch of coomer mods if you want to turn the world into a surreal nightmare land.

I played vanilla Morrowind when it came out and today i am playing modded Morrowind with Rebirth and Tamriel rebuilt.

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why play games that are terrible without mods? why fix shit when you can just play a competently made game

meant for

there is not wall

>competently made game
post at least one example of completely made Bethesda style rpg

Yeah, I played it vanilla.
If anything drags you out of it, it's not the models/textures/shaders, it's the jank character animations that feel like procedurally generated animation as rendered by the Speak and Spell computer.

But you get used to that too since most of your time is spent on adventures in the wilderness and quests in dungeons and such. Good game.

Something about Morrowind looks good no matter what graphic mods you strap onto it, it really is just that well artistically defined at its core

No because still no gameplay overhaul for that horrendous combat system.

In that it did certain things better than recent fps games, yes. But you can tell when playing it that they were still sorting out exactly what an fps adventure game should be, how it should feel. Halo was really what brought fps games into every household and even playing 1 you can tell why.

Morrowind does a lot of things better than recent RPGs. World building, skill based combat, the ability to really specialize. A lot of RPG franchises have ditched the complexity and numbers game in favor of accessibility.

I made the comparison because both defined their respective genres at the time. RPGs have changed a lot, FPSs haven't. That's why playing early halo is more palatable than playing morrowind; the genre is still recognizable.

is OpenMW fun?


They're both pretty soulful.
I prefer Morrowind's original palette, though, perfectly blending of the swamp into a majority desert island.

watching stupid ruskies bicker and drag on the dev time of it sure is fun

Trash, overrated abused and misused meme. Someone had to like the top enough to bother making the bottom one. Sometimes soul is more than what you can see. See what I'm saying?
Basically, you're a fucking faggot.

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Trust me I did that too

And lots of house mods because where tf else am I going to hoard my piles of clay goblets

Idk something about player.placeatme [campfire] [bedroll] on a random hillside in a completely uncharted land really gets me going

Maybe i just need to go live in the forest somewhere

u mad, bro?