What's the oldest video game you know where you find it legitimately fun?

What's the oldest video game you know where you find it legitimately fun?

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guessing Max Payne's old enough? don't get much mileage out of Doom these days

the 1st castlevania on nes




Somewhere between Kirby's adventure and Super Mario bros 3

Pac man

Pac man.


Shit’s fun when it’s against another person.

NES Tetris was 1989, seems pretty late unless you consider it as 1984.
What did you play it on?

Hmm. Probably Space Quest 3. There might be a NES game a little older I'd still like but I don't play those anymore so I really don't know. The older I get the more I shift forward. I used to love NES games I grew up with, now I can't even enjoy Mario 3. At this point I'm not even really into SNES either.

Pac-Man is fun as hell.

Super Mario Bros

OG XCOM. In many respects it's still the best, even after nearly 30 years.

mega man 2

I get filtered by NES games, my cutoff is 4th gen with a few exceptions


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Chrono Trigger. Still better than most JRPGs

Batman Returns on Master System

Crystal Castles?

Half Life, Doom or Fallout 1



Mini-loli Sakurako a cute

the legend of zelda
not sure which one of these technically the oldest

Final Fantasy 1


Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction

Halo: Combat Evolved


Genuinely fun multiplayer.


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pong with the boys is legitimately some god tier fun

Space impact

A bunch of Atari 2600 and Arcade games are fun in bite size
>Space Invaders
>Demon Attack
They are simple and I don't really care for endless games so I would never play them for long, so for actual extended play times I would say Legend of Zelda and Castlevania

Mario Bros (1983)

kirby's adventure