Enjoying the Splatoon 2 demo, newfriends?

Enjoying the Splatoon 2 demo, newfriends?

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there's another demo?
didn't this game come out already?
whats happening?

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a limited time demo opened up and a splatfest is happenin late May. Also they temporarily dropped the game's price 1/3rd. No reason why.

oh then no way
i'm not paying for nintendo online
no fucking way am i paying to use the internet service I already payed for.

That's not a forehead, that's a fivehead!

will you now?

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If I had a Switch I would. I wanna draw slutty gay woomies. Alas, I don't own a switch, so I can't draw slutty gay woomies.

Demo lets you play online free for a week

man i need to play some more.

you have google. draw as many gay slutty woomies as you desire

I will try

I tried, user

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Gay as in lesbian, right? Right?

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Ha, good one user.

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I think you have to be level 10 or something

>Dropped the game after first Splatfest
>By the time I got back to it they were going into Maintenance

Hmm maybe I will come back for one last ride. I hope its to announce a new full sequel instead of this lazy one.

>game is on sale
>DLC isn't

I thought they canned Splatfests?
Oh shit, maybe I can actually experience one now instead of going "eh, I'll do the next one" then completely forgetting about it

>i'm not paying for nintendo online
lmao, imagine not having enough money to skip a cup of coffee

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get a job poorfag

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It's the fact of the matter..I already pay for my fucking internet, I don't need to pay Nintendo use my own internet

Nah I have morals and I am standing by them. Something you wouldn't understand you paypig cu_ckold

literal slowpoke, fuck off


>own splatoon 2 already
>quit online after chaos reigned
>Hear that the demo comes with a free 7-day internet sub
>going to redeem the code and use the internet just for AC
>will turn off auto renew

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>not dishing out 20 bucks for the GOTY of 2018
Yes, we all know in our hearts that GoW and RDR2 got beat by octopus kids.

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it's the best purchase you'll ever make

i wish i wasnt stuck with such shit weapons
when do i get better ones

when you git gud with the shit ones

I already had the game and I'm breaking off the rust and trying to git gud again. I'm really hoping they just do reruns of previous splatfests to keep the game alive and going and to provide a consistent source of snails.

how do i git gud at brellas

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