Imagine getting filtered by fucking Glass Joe

Imagine getting filtered by fucking Glass Joe.

Attached: the state of vtubers.jpg (848x480, 134.71K)

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disgraceful tee bee aych

The first time I played it was weird but I don't think I've ever lost to him. Now it would be impossible, but I've also played a decent amount

She isn't real

So shameful I dont even want to fuck her, but spit on her instead. *patooey*

women, even 2d women, can't play games

Even as a 6 year old I never lost to him

I hope some fat japanase otaku breaks into her apartment and beheads her live on stream for such a shameful performance.

i really love your shilling for vtubers , and you are doing the same SHIT in /jp/


She's not giga brained like Pekora.

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Posting in a tranny thread

You are now because you're here lool

i want to fuck the dog

Attached: 1586376245277.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

I hope your dad breaks your fat legs

pikipiki green pepper

Can you beat Mario 64 in 20 minutes?
Good stuff.

>okayu will never be your bf (female)

Sasuga Toudaisotsu.
Needs Libera Me From Hell playing over her most retarded moments leading up to this.

I tower over him and hes old and brittle. Besides, he cant even beat Mr. Sandman, much less Super Macho Man.

>I'm only going to trust women!

Man that game is going to be very rough then

It's like clockwork. Show a vtuber that scene and they will drop that bomb. The only exception I can thing of is Ars, but she called Franklin's house a zoo so it all evened out there.

She didn't even lose to him though.

There is nothing wrong with saying nigga, nigger, negro or any other word.

It's because he sings it and it's very soft. Even if they know the word, they might not think that's what he said.

ya okay retard

biggest brain

Some of them didn't say it, I think korone and rushia are a bit fake so they probably were just trying to be cute and copy the original popular miko clip

Every single japanese alive says nigger all the time
>get scared

the TLoU2 thread is two blocks down

Are there any other vtubers that have played punch out?

Is vtubers something idols do so they don't get murdered for having sex with their boyfriend while taking your resources?

>tried punch-out at friends house on emulator
>doesn't tell me his control mapping
>doesn't tell me how the game works
>glass joe knocks me out while i'm figuring it out
Then he never stopped giving me shit for it.

Attached: asuka24.jpg (1440x1080, 814.12K)

>Sakura Miko dying vtuber
>Plays GTA 5
>Says nigga because it sounds japanese to her
>Get a huge EOP boost, and career is saved

A vtuber saying nigga is like the holy fucking grail for them.

>japs allowed to drop n-bombs for views
aaaaa why can't I be japanese

Cultural difference. If you're a blonde American girl with blue eyes you will probably get views if you say ochinchin with confusion without understand its meaning.

Are you a blonde American girl with blue eyes?