Are you ready for the longest drought in gaming history?

Are you ready for the longest drought in gaming history?

It's going to be even worse for other platforms, since the new console releases will inevitably be delayed as well.

Attached: NintendoGameDrought.jpg (1242x1819, 1005.41K)

Just fucking release twilight princess and wind waker on the switch you fucking nips

Don't care if there's a pandemic. Me want new games NOW.

Sure am. Have a huge backlog and this pandemic made me play a bunch of games that I would’ve never revisited/finished.

They have nothing this year.

This is the best time to be an indie dev

just get a pc to emulate then you fucking moron

Tetris is still fun.

I'm glad I actually liked Pokemon Shield. At least I'll have that DLC to play while everyone else is bitching and moaning

Attached: pkmn shield.jpg (616x353, 40.47K)

Getting out of the way for Uncle Phil to fuck up so they can give the Eggbox another beating.

Now you guys can play some games instead of shitposting about every bit of gaming news.

Fuck that shit, remake them properly then release them, those were so fucking lazy it was disgustling.

After FF7 I never want anything "remade" ever again

More Xenoblade Definitive less FF7.

Remakes are fine, just don't let Hamaguchi anywhere near it

And now you know why the Smash second pass DLC said it wouldn't be fully out until December 2021.

Stop setting the bar low. I know you still want FF7 remade, just without the faggots who ruined this remake.

This is a remaster.

>Thing WILL happen
>according to unofficial source X that claims this
For fucks sake. Even if it would be for granted that this is correct, you don't lead your article like this.

Then remaster them properly.

All so people can play Armageddon and pretend this virus that only kills people who are already dying of something else is the new smallpox.

>I know you still want FF7 remade, just without the faggots who ruined this remake
That's what I'm saying. I have no faith in Nintendo to not completely wreck Wind Waker's finale if it were given an FFVII style remake

For all the problems WInd Waker has, its final battle/ending is my favorite half hour of any Zelda game, and I know for certain they'd wreck it with stupid shit like Hylia or by giving Tetra a fucking trash voice actress. Leave it alone

Attached: windwakerwp.jpg (1024x768, 162.78K)

>This is a remaster.
They've remade every single asset and it's built in a new engine. It's a remake.

>just a flu bro
>just ignore all those young healthy people getting strokes from blood clots because of it.


We're going to have a drought on mainline titles, but we're going to get some epic indies dropping at the end of the year.

They’re not healthy. Literally everytime you look into one of the supposedly “healthy” people who die from it, it always turns out they had some other underlying condition. Every single time.


Attached: 2020-05-01 00_09_35.png (115x37, 5.11K)

It's the exact same game, it's a remaster.

Don't even bother replying to me, you're mentally fucked.

Our game released just weeks before the Coronavirus shit went down, and we only rushed to get it done then because there was a brief window where there wasn't some big AAA release. We were very lucky

And it's not even like underlying conditions are an automatic death sentence either. Tom Hanks is 63, fat, diabetic, and caught corona, yet he got over it just fine.

A remaster is called a remaster because it was produced using the same master. That's why it's called what it's called in the first place.

If the album did not use the same master, it's not a remaster. And if the game is built with a new engine using all original assets, then it's not a remaster.
That is what a remake is.

I have plenty to play. No fucks given.

I have a retardedly long backlog of games just like almost everyone else on this board. I'm not too worried.