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Blue seems better in every way. Mage mode activated.

i'll take the strongest potion

should have been there last thread, summing it up, red and blue are the only good choices. while green is retarted

I don't think being able to copy yourself into others bodies or manipulation is retarded. Seems more useful for usurpation in comparison to blue and red

last thread came to the point where a high tier red was just a eldritch being, blues would just float around in the either cause they loose there human wants. while green where bound the life span of humanity

Green, easily.

>can mindfuck anyone I want
>can manipulate anyone I want to do whatever I want
>can transfer consciousness to whoever I want to avoid death
>can become smartest being alive for all eternity and no one would be the wiser
You can't go wrong with green.

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though their where arguments about how one would kill a red. the best being to launch it into the sun. also someone made up a gray potion, which just made you a hoard of self replicating nano machines. so red but mechanical

the problem being both red and blue can do that but must faster, I mean hell red could just become a gravemind after consuming all available bio mass

that just depends on what your goals are I guess. if you want immortality then pick red or blue sure but. if you want to be able to control humanity until it dies then green would be a good option although if you care about morality then it's the worst option. being immortal sounds genuinely maddening as fuck once everything is dead. did the last thread get 404'd?

You could achieve most of Red using the smarts you gain from Green, Maybe some from Blue given enough time to study and learn the eldritch arts.

I believe so, I think it reached around 200 or 300 posts. it was best summed up as this, green is for mobas, red is for rts players, while I forgot what blue was for

>the best being to launch it into the sun
I guess if you take the red potion and immediately drum up attention to yourself then of course you'd find yourself getting launched into the sun. Aren't eldritch beings are completely unknown to the common human anyway? I don't think they have worries about being killed or captured by humans

Which one let's me become a better artist?

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while you may be correct user, the speed of which a red can do is much faster. if a red can master their ability's fist. theres already a lot of natural live on earth that can provide traits to them, that would make them not only immoral but also super Intelligent.

You couldn't handle my strongest potions

It depends on what your power fantasy is. Green is for controlling humanity, red is for consuming humanity, blue is for escaping humanity.

the main counter to the sun part was to simple things. one consume a organism that replicates itself form a small part of it, so you could just leave small cellular parts of you that would be undetectable, while the other strat was to for solar sails from your body,
honestly both red and green, green cause ya could switch to a person with natural art talent, or red cause yo could consume a good artist

I drink all three anyway, I ain't a pussy

Your posts are physically painful to read, are you misspelling everything on purpose?

this is also true, but it dosent say ya have to be a all consuming being in red, you could just chill out and be immoral cause you eat that one species of jellyfish

no im in almost in complete darkness, and I don't check my post. its a bad habit. also im just a dumbass

i am gonna read all that shit

true, if you wanted to do everything on a small scale like using green to get ahead in your career or in a hobby/skill, blue to do simple magic tricks, personal construction projects or exploration, or red to shapeshift and live as whatever animal you choose you could.

Drink the elixir of spirit.

ok user, now your a being of pure energy, what now?


>spend all my time meditating or whatever
>become ether
>continue to drift through life but now literally and without the pains that come with having a fallible corporeal body
>spend my days idly helping idiot adventurers about to get killed and touching all manner of creatures innappropriately
>fuck with people when I get bored, harmless pranks, maybe use my barriers to slip a love potion down the throat of a female werewolf and shunt a novice adventurer into her path and then fap to
Hey, actually, do I get to recorporealize myself? If I'm aetherial, can I still jerk it, like, a ghost boner? I'm just gonna assume I get a ghost boner. Definitely going to spend a lot of time corraling hapless adventurers into sexual encounters and giving myself ghost blowjobs.

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I'm not a being of pure energy until I've had time to master my power over energy.
By the time I'm a being of pure energy I'll be able to take whatever form I want using this power.


it was assumed it the last thread that if ya chose blue, you would lose all your mortal desires. because you would be free of your soul. so no ghost boners. but maybe different body forms. like idk a angel or something.

Drinking the potion doesn't immediately cannonball you to the deepest end retard. Read the fucking image over again

No, I'm going to steal my mortal desires back in some form of energy storage, I have mastery after all. I will craft a ghost boner out of energy with enchantments and wards. Getting ghost boners and making adventurers get fucked by sapient beastfolk will be my true calling and no mortal will stop me.

> free your soul
> this means you are free of your soul
Have you considered the alternative meaning? That your soul is shackled and unshackling it lets you manipulate ether, nothing to do with freeing it from you?
Also, what the fuck is left? No soul and no physical form = nothing.

>No soul
try again

im liking the way you think user
yes user I do know this, but who wants to really talk about that part, its more fun when everything's at there apex