Is Barret racist

Is Barret racist

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I mean the ban isn't that weird, he was acting racist

there's no way this is real
not even trannyera is that bad

Why so banhappy over there he did nothing wrong

What happens if I dismiss concerns around racism here?

He's racist if you don't bother to play the game and assume he's just an angry black guy.

>user likes the black guy

Someone explain to a retard like me how it's possible resetera is still alive and functioning with how many people get banned for literally no reason

This image is the perfect example of why Yas Forums is still a better place to come to even if it's infested with zoomer scum and retarded ironic shitposters.

You get called Based and Redpilled.

Yeah I also like Barrets

Attached: download (26).jpg (474x266, 20.36K)

moot comes back from the dead and slaps your ass and pushes you into the community pool and gives you a little wink

But it's closed

>resetera mad so thing good
Is this the new angle squareshit shills are going with now?
FF7r is an abomination of a game and highlights everything wrong with the industry.

that's why it's cheeky

Reminds me of a Twitch chat I used to be in
>GTA San Andreas
>Every time someone says nigger, someone posts TriHard
>Eventually get to the point where whenever someone posts TriHard they get banned
hardcore lefties being racist is funny

he's clearly not against other races
so no, he's not racist

Attached: TIFA.jpg (623x692, 86.85K)

yes and that's a good thing because racism is awesome

He calls Jenova a spook in the original.

barret is the best character of the remake by far and totally a bro
hes a black man, not a nigger

Attached: upyoass.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)

Who are you quoting?

I wanna know what games you're playing if you consider 7R an abomination. Must be masterpiece after masterpiece

No , its like a generic black trope think something like Mister T.

As bad as ResetEra is, there's one mod that's particularly batshit.

Attached: 1582998825717.png (1137x419, 75.2K)

You'll be forcibly injected with estrogen until you buy a Nintendo Switch

you get a free beer and your own 11 year old

and shit taste in vidya autistic NEETs

I remember forsen playing donkey kong tf and half the chat got timed out for spamming trihard

The whole mainstream internet is becoming like this. It fucking sucks to watch actual thought policing in action

he's a retarded NEET

literally who said anything about the game being good or bad?

Only against Jews.

Are there actually real people who post on that authoritarian shithole?

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nobody at resetera has ever met a black person

Pfft get outta here user, you can't be racist against an ideology.

why do you keep going back to that place it's like a woman who goes on all 4s crawling back to her man after he just gave her the beating of a lifetime

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>Yas Forums is still a better place to come to
I definitely wouldn't go that far. The Last of Us leakers seem to intentionally go after Sony to the point of being obvious Nintendo fanboys.

Do you guys look for the retarded bans from here?

>if BlackManPersonality == SomethingILike:
>print("Based Black Man")
>print("Fucking niggers")

Attached: file.png (636x773, 427.38K)

Why does nobody every try to kiwi farms Yas Forums?

Nah Im good


Joke ruined. Great job.