FF7 remake

>FF7 remake
>Trials of Mana remake
>Nier remake
still no Chrono Trigger remake

Attached: chrono_trigger.jpg (960x540, 132.3K)

Already perfect, doesn't need one.

Because Chrono Trigger is already perfect.

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If it happens they better have the dragon quest dudes do it, not the final fantasy ones

What I want to know is why there is no Chrono Cross release on Steam. I was tempted by Trigger, since I never quite finished it when I was younger, and Cross was never released until the interest I had passed.

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Why do you tards even want remakes? Why not new games or sequels?
Why enable laziness and stagnation from dev companies and why pay full price for a reused idea?

Chrono Trigger benefited from being made for SNES hardware and nothing more advanced. Akira Toriyama's character art for this game is ABOMINABLE compared to the charming sprites you see ingame. CT would have been ugly as fuck if everything looked like that.

I despise his artstyle from every male being Goku, Trunks, or Kid Gohan, to the the girls often looking like Bulma, to the pointy shoes and z-sword. The man has no artistic range. I agree with you 100%. It's one of the reasons I just can't get into modern Dragon Quest. How many games have had variations of Trunks for the main character now?

Didn't the DS port add a bunch of Cross shit no one asked for and everyone hated it? Or am I thinking of Cave Story?

They can't play the old games because of the graphics, but they also don't want to miss out on a classic that everyone else played so they ask for the games to be remade with higher graphical fidelity since that's all they care about.

secret of mana is legit bad tho

If they let Nomura anywhere near my Chrono Trigger...

...he would probably make a perfect clone of Chrono Cross without even knowing it.

Wasn't what made Chrono Trigger so loved the gameplay? A remake would render the entire gameplay to shit no matter what so, what would be the point.

dropped this at dino age, is it even worth finishing? it was such a grindfest

My problem with this though is companies almost never do a 1-1 remake with only higher graphics.
They always get some twisted idea that they can improve or add content that is not necessary.

They could straight up create a continuation, there's not really a "continuity" in the series so they can come up with anything they want and throw in easter eggs for the fans, this way everyone wins.

I’d be fine if they just slapped Chrono trigger on modern platforms so I can buy it, not pc though idgaf about it

It would only disappoint, no one in their right mind would set themselves up for failure by attempting this. What would you even do? Can't change the gameplay or fanboys would have an aneurysm, and a visual update is not worth the investment.

Uhhh part of why I enjoyed it so much is that theres basically almost never a point where you actually have to stop what you're doing and grind shit out.

Inb4 an older Final Fantasy gets remade in the Octopath-style and Chrono Trigger still gets left in the dust

What I don't understand is why can't there be a true sequel to this game? Fuck that garbage chrono cross. Hire pixel artists that can recreate the style of the old game and make a brand new story. There are thousands of years of history that was never explored in trigger. Why the fuck not?

That's pretty much the only way I'd ever want a remake of a FF pre-7

Remakes are dumb. Do you seriously want zoomers to not pick up your game and instead play what will innevitably be an inferior version.

The games look good, people are just too narrowminded to appreciate pixelart and lowpoly style. So many of these modern reboots on current gen systems either look washed out, glossy, or just plain fucking weird. But no one cares about art direction, just polygon counts.

You don't want a chrono trigger remake. It'd just end up being half assed and it deserves perfection. The trials remake is nice but it's pretty clear it was made with a small budget.

I don't need to see it ruined too.
Post how badly they'd fuck it up.

In theory, it means a game from an age of gaming where they had good game design and storytelling getting to benefit from the only thing modern games have going for them, graphics.
In practice, it just seems to result in them somehow managing to fuck up the things that were good about the original game in the process, even though all they really need to do is a 1:1 remake with better visuals.

Only if we get DLC bikinis for Marle and Lucca.

Over Toriyama's cold dead hand

You mean like Chrono Cross, which a lot of Chrono Trigger fans did not like