Since Ketchup vs Mayo is coming back in May. What other Splatfests do you wish to be redone?

Since Ketchup vs Mayo is coming back in May. What other Splatfests do you wish to be redone?

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Chaos v. Order
I wish to fight for my favorite squid again

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Shitstorm 2.0 whether chaos wins again or if Order manages to win.

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Attached: woomy_booty_by_sizablesfm_dduxgs4-pre.jpg (1192x670, 58.39K)

Why does everything not made for source look so bad in source.

that just looks retarded

none, cum vs blood is all we need


Attached: Veemo01.png (782x1440, 1.02M)

I think it is the shading and in general how SFM does the textures on models not made for source.
Sometimes even TF2 models look bad in some SFM renders.
I was hoping the VNN leak would improve SFM but haven't heard anything about it.

Blender does a much better job I think. Of course many animators for 3d don't use it from what I've seen.

why the fuck did leo have to lose

Attached: spla-noscale.jpg (1067x618, 230.64K)

Is it a good idea to buy weapons now or wait to unlock all?

That fucking smile


Attached: splatoon 56345466533654.png (564x719, 265.38K)

More cute squid boys and octoboys please.

Attached: Agent 3, Agent 8, Agent 4 by -10℃ on Pixiv.png (2000x1238, 475.9K)

slightly better team

Which is odd because from what I've seen in Lazypurple's behind-the-scenes vids, SFM is a nightmare to use.

That might just be that person because most say it is easier than blender


You can make things look good in Source if you know what you're doing. Most don't, and on the material side the Splatoon ports are terrible.
SFM is easy to use, it just glitches out a lot because Source.

Attached: Cyberdemon_v2_small.png (636x720, 608.49K)

Are there any good splatoon ports?

SpookyMajora's Off the Hook port. Aside from that and a small number of ports using pseudo-PBR, not really.

Attached: 1104863502_preview_dancinallnight.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

From I've seen, the idols come off looking the best in sfm videos and pictures. The player models, not so much.

Attached: dclw573-dbf817c0-7ba9-4a5c-b09c-a39801d0a444.png (720x1280, 598.91K)

Idols don't look too well either in most images, since they're using the busted ports. Especially the Squid Sisters, since they're using modified eyes that don't look right. Too gold.

Attached: models_DxNnUTO.jpg (720x720, 389.37K)


it's not perfect, but I say the models look better than the regular player models
Don't you be dissing the afro octo.

Attached: 1317994141_preview_Promo 3.jpg (1920x1080, 279.89K)

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But why not. They are really cute.

Truth desu, I'm glad there's someone else out there that agrees. Then again, I find them all pretty great in their own ways!

Attached: Agent 3, Agent 8 by ぽんぽ on Pixiv.jpg (1000x761, 733.66K)

Spookyfest and winter fest above all else. They were the best ones. Octo daughter best daughter

Her smile is the best smile in the world.

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Those look like GMOD, not SFM. You can tell because of the lack of ambient occlusion. If you put the idol models in that same lighting setup, they'd also look just as bad.
The reason those Inklings look terrible in this screenshot here is due to a variety of factors:
Lighting setup:
>map has no cubemaps so the tentacles have no specular reflection, only diffuse phong reflection
>rendering has no ambient occlusion, so dark corners aren't properly shaded
>no dedicated lighting, render is only using stock map lighting which looks terrible most of the time
>diffuse phong reflection on all materials isn't accurate to the game
>tentacles have different color tint setup than Splatoon's which leads to the tentacles being too dark at the edges
>all materials use ridiculously bright lightwarps which results in squashed contrast and flat lighting
>normal maps for clothing are inverted so the folds don't look right
>eye shader is too complex compared to Splatoon's
Compare the short tentacled Inkling in the center to this one to see how different they look.

Attached: splatoon 2.png (902x1440, 1.7M)

Their outfits were bomb

Attached: frostfest.jpg (1280x720, 245.9K)


Attached: inklingboys.png (1748x1240, 1.24M)

And that is an SFM render, not GMOD. You can tell with the depth of field, ambient occlusion, and anti-aliasing. Here's what the Squid Sister models look like in Garry's Mod: just like the playermodels.
In the picture you posted, you can also see that the eyes are almost yellow due to being too bright.

Attached: previewfile_730457653.jpg (512x512, 260.6K)

I want to coomy in woomy womby!

Attached: inklingidle.gif (320x292, 820.13K)

The family vs friends fest? That is a good choice.

Attached: 6548f2e2-56e2-4090-ae0e-40cc5c02e9ef.png (2000x2000, 1.51M)

And just for fun: Here's the normal port of Marina, done by the same people who did 90% of the Splatoon ports.

Attached: Xu3BugW.jpg (1920x1080, 213.27K)

And here's the port done by SpookyMajora. What a difference!

Attached: 1104863502_preview_actual_goddess.jpg (1920x1080, 657.31K)

they look the same. Are you autistic?

Lighting on the second one is leagues better and actually looks like the native game. Are you blind?

Ingame version for comparison.
I think you need glasses, user.

Attached: Splatoon_2_-_Screenshot_-_Splatfest_-_Off_the_Hook_03.jpg (1920x1080, 625.58K)

why did you just grab that bait?

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