The Caligula Effect

Yo is this game any good? It's on sale on the eshop rn

Attached: CaligulaEffect.jpg (616x353, 45.36K)

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do you like persona? it's a slightly better in some ways/ slightly worse in others persona style game. I think the director is the same as the early ones

No. Why not? The game has over 200 people that can join your party. The problem is, all of them are generic. No real special features and the level design is atrocious. You'll spend most of your time looking up FAQs for where to find a microscopic trigger to continue the story. It's hard to imagine people played this on a VITA.

Nigga what?

I mean aight but what ways?

battle system is atrocious
character art is great but models are eh
music is nice
I didn't have enough patience to find out how good the story is, the game is reeeeeally low budget

So would you say it's worth 25$?

Listen to the ost on youtube and never touch the game.

If you have any Family Video stores nearby, I'd try those first. This is definitely a rental game.

I think most people who I've seen praise it here on Yas Forums have said the story is worth playing the game for. And I actually saw one dude saying that he really, really liked the battle system.

Characters are likeable and their social link are slightly darker than Persona, you will slowly discover their ugly side and learn about their fucked up past before you encourage them to become better person. The one that hits me most is probably Kotoko's backstory i was shocked after i found out that she issingle mother who trying to abandon her own child i highly doubt any other jrpg would ever has balls to do this with their waifus especially Persona

Overall the game certainly has potential but unfortunately there're so much issues with the gameplay that can easily repel you from keep playing.

It's shit, I got it day one and dropped it within a few hours, battle system is interesting, friend making system is half-assed, story isn't interesting, the characters aren't interesting, the music fucking blows and isn't properly coordinated.

From what I understand the Switch version is the worst one, even moreso than the Vita

Typical low budget anime game with little effort put into it. yet never really declines in price because it's geared towards weebs and weebs will throw money at anything just for being anime.

combat system had potential but the battles dragged out for so long because of it
music was cool. having the overworld theme transition smoothly to its own battle theme when beginning a fight is probably the best part of the game
a lot of nice character art, models are not great
more dark persona, but the story in general is boring and uninteresting
i am not going to babysit all of these NPCs and talk to them over and over and over and over again with the same exact dialogue for level ups
overall, bad game

It was a pain to complete all the social links, I had to use this video guide

It's mediocre. Relative to persona it has a better battle system, better characters, better story, and better music, but that's all.

it's really good, but don't get the switch version, the resolution and framerate are terrible. get it on pc or ps4 instead.

Attached: ps4 vs switch.png (1280x1440, 2.49M)

you can literally ignore that whole gimmick and finish the game just fine. that's what i did.

Holy shit thank you for this screenshot.

this gimmick filtered me so you should probably follow this guy's advice if you ever decide to play the game

also as someone who pirated the game with all DLCs: costumes look like shit, don't buy them

The actual combat doesn't change much at all after the first 2 hours, but that doesn't mean its grating. As some other anons have said, you can absolutely 100% ignore the 550+ Social link system and beat the game on hard with no issues. The bonuses that system give are minor at best, and if you really need one of the passives you get from it just look up a guide for it. Music plays a big part in the story, so its a good thing that its really good. The part where this game excels at is the characters, so I won't talk too much about them, just know you can lock yourself out of their social link if you pick the wrong dialog choice, so save before you do any of them. The story fine, nothing really outstanding but not offensively bad either, there's a pretty neat twist towards the end that if you're observant enough you'll see coming. Overall I think its a better game than Persona 5 by a good margin, but as some other anons said the Switch version is pretty bunk so get it on PC or PS4.

autistic tranny in my discord likes it

>the Switch version is pretty bunk
... what's wrong with the Switch version?

and so what? trannies can like niche games too, doesn't mean a game is a freak game because a freak likes it


I liked the scene in I, Claudius where Caligula cuts open his pregnant sister’s belly (his baby btw) and eats the fetus, then has a horrifying moment of lucidity.
What is the ‘Caligula Effect’, does it involve anything as abominable as baby eating?

>what's wrong with the Switch version?
it's on the Switch

I'm sorry... I only have a Switch right now

Don't worry about it, if you really want to get it don't let that stop you, just temper your expectations.

there's nothing particularly wrong with the combat system, Yas Forumsedditors just hate any combat system that isn't dark souls, dmc3 or ffx. the gimmick of lining your moves up like audio tracks in garageband is a neat way to tie the gameplay into the plot, and you can beat trash mobs in a few seconds once you understand the nuances of the combat. it's also neat how the vocals fade into the background music when you enter a battle and then fade out when it's over, and boss battles have their own special remix. and if you do the musician route, you get to pick which song plays during your double-agent missions as lucid.

Attached: 72386991_p9.png (1000x1386, 2.77M)

The vita version is superior , I can’t stand the UI for overdose at all. There’s just no visible charm in Overdose

Yeah I absolutely agree, I didn't mean it not changing much as a bad thing. Lucid's theme is honestly the only choice for those missions.

>The vita version is superior
not with all that missing content. i can't imagine playing it without the musician route or all the characters that were added in overdose.

The overdose exclusive content is some of the best stuff the game has to offer. The vita UI has charm, its not worth trading the overdose changes and improvements for that.

Seeing the secluded white arena got pretty repetitive after a while honestly . I liked the tighter but varied backgrounds as arenas in the OG.