Yas Forums only considers one of these consoles a "nogaems" system. Why do you think that is?
Yas Forums only considers one of these consoles a "nogaems" system. Why do you think that is?
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crossplatform shit doesn't count, also quality over quantity
all that said I like the ps3 more
Because most of the exclusives on PS3 were just shitty movie games for normies.
how many of those 1400+ games are copy and paste JRPGs. not defending shitendo since the N64 is one of the most overrated plastic slabs to ever play video games and the controller is one of the most uncomfortable pieces of shit imaginable.
probably because the ps3 has no games
ps3 has no games for the memes
n64 has no games for real
The PS3 actually has no games outside of Demon's Souls.
Because the n64 used cartridges so movies masquerading as games were not really feasible and games were forced to rely on gameplay like god intended. PS3 was notorious for making you watch movies while the rest of the movie game installed.
PS3 exclusives were trash
Because it lacked exclusives that could sell consoles or that had an impact on gaming.
because MS moneyhatted a ton of games to be timed exclusives, then they came out with all their dlc bundled in, with bug fixes and usually running better on ps3 a while later.
I think the n64 and ps3 are both good systems, honestly. N64 has games I love like sd HnK and hybrid heaven, ps3 has the definitive version of eternal sonata, and lbp. Infamous too.
I think the ps3 had more time to shine while the n64 was trying super hard to compete with the ps1 by making the DD throughout the entirety of the n64's development, having to cut back and restart half a dozen times until they shit out that unholy abomination with like 4 games.
If the N64 had been the full focus from the start, I think we may have seen nearly two or three dozen more games for it that were canned dd projects that weren't fortunate enough to get made onto cart games.
N64 games were milestones for the medium. There's a reason its big tentpoles are still thought of fondly.
PS3 was hideously expensive, had fuck all on arrival, what did exist was worse than the 360 or Knack-tier shit like Lair, and most people just bought it for the Blu Ray. It didn't help that everything was being sold with sheer arrogance and bizarre stuff like giant enemy crab.
>N64 games were milestones for the medium
Do you believe everything journos tell you?
>total number of games worth playing: 3
>total number of games worth playing: 389
>>total number of games worth playing: 389
That's a lot of racing games
No just what developers say.
>played them when they came out in the 90s
>you're just blinded by nostalgia
>played them later
>you're just regurgitating popular opinion
Find a new boilerplate.
>total number of games worth playing: 389
ps3 launch was a fucking meme
>literally bundled with talladega nights
no games stuck ever since
Stop embarassing yourself, OP. Though I doubt you care considering how many times you've spammed this thread
some people got to experience it themselves when the games came out. Hell, some are still amazing today and have better mechanics than games released this year. You can still appreciate how important they are.
not everyone relies on watching letsplays and reviews to enjoy a game, retarded zoomer
>movie game inspires cinematic cancer
well well well
They were never very good in the first place.
I like the misuse of several decade old Yas Forums buzzwords.
and they're all good
>half life
>cinematic cancer
have you ever actually played a game besides pokemon go and candy crush?
PS3 had no gaems for the first 2 or 3 years of launch and that's where the meme comes from
And look where Thief is now. Hey the first one was a mish-mash of scattershot levels that were overburdened with UU baggage. And Thief 2 wasn't finished.
Have you played half-life? It's a cinematic scripted shooter. Think of a better way to describe it. It's certainly not a "thinking man's shooter."
>It's a cinematic scripted shooter
...yeah, that doesn't make it cinematic cancer. Scripted games and linearity are not what Yas Forums has a problem with. It actually requires you to develop some motor skills to beat it. It's not a braindead-easy game that plays itself like uncharted, and neither was goldeneye
>...yeah, that doesn't make it cinematic cancer.
Thief 1&2 are still the best stealth games out there.
Okay, shoot.
What's the PS3 equivalent of Ocarina of Time?
I explained why it's not cinematic cancer, and your only response was "nuh uh it is cus i say so". Looks like we're done here
Don't kid yourself, they're both nogames systems.
How many N64 games are not cross platform?
Not with AI that braindead. They're also ridiculously easy to cheese. They're overrated by hyper-autist PC gamers desperate for something to justify how their platform has always been the secret bestest.
I say this as someone with a folder full of Thief images, lore, and even the siege engine for the cancelled deep cover.
Thanks for conceding.
Not a lot.
Name better stealth games.
I was just thinking of hooking my N64 back up for nostalgia before realizing it has nothing I actually want to play anymore
Why does the retarded bong make this thread every day?
Kids who owned a N64 had about 12 games max.
Nintendo fans don't like video games like other people do. I doubt they even notice the lack of variety in their options because they've never known anything else.
>Kids who owned a N64 had about 12 games max.
They also all had the exact same games. Seriously anyone ever noticed that? 64 fans never list anything different, it's always the exact same games.
and what's the ps3 equivalent of mario 64? or banjo kazooie? or majora's mask? or goldeneye? or paper mario? and perfect dark? or star fox 64?
Demons Souls. A (at the time) one of a kind masterpiece that would be copied and have an effect on future games for years to come, albeit on a lesser scale than oot.
>stealth game
Because they were the only games you needed that gen. N64 had every heavy hitter that gen. No other console had anything.