Would an FFVI remake be a good idea?

Would an FFVI remake be a good idea?

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Yes If it was made by whoever made the DS IV remake

Yes, if only for high-res esper tiddies


How would the world of ruin work? They'd probably make it linear and you have to find everybody

honestly I'd like to see a V remake first

hahahahahahahaha why do you have such ridiculously shit taste?

Yeah, it would make a great mobile gotcha game.

Tbh this one might even take longer than 7

Its the best version by far

Why do people pretend this game is good?


Why was Setzer so based?

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Probably because whether you liked it or not others did and genuinely like the game?

>1/3 childhood ruined with FF7 remake
They better not touch FF6 and Chrono Trigger or there will be consequences.

VI needed a remake more than VII did

He was so shit that the game had to force him into your party for one area just to show you what he could do. As soon as you go back for Terra, there's no reason to touch him ever again.

>not abusing his mechanic

look at this scrub

the only real shit characters are umaro and cyan

No, now stop attempting to ruin my childhood.

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>bro just make battles 3 times longer by using the pause trick instead of just dumpstering enemies by conventional means

Umaro is nice to have in that magic only tower.

>moogle charm exists
Mog is nicer.

They wouldn't make it linear. People who complained about FF7R's Midgar being linear conveniently forgot that it was also linear in the original.

As long as it's not Nomura directing.

Depends. Are nomura, nojima or Toriyama involved?
Then no, it wouldn't. It'd get turned into coomer bait with alternate dimension time travel plot.

>time travel
And Yas Forums destroys yet another young mind.

Terra's pretty

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No more remakes please. FF7R killed my desire for remakes forever.

Time travel, time line travel. It's all shit no matter how you polish it up.

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>time line travel
What the fuck are you talking about?

V is probably my favorite and I wouldn't want nu-square messing it up desu.

No, it's perfect as is

Don't know. But I do know that if I were in charge of it I'd make every effort to turn the games graphics into amano art brought to life. Like how dragon quest does for Toriyama.

Shits gonna be like Steins Gate;
Namoura can't just make a remake he has to do something somwhat new no matter what look at the enter KH series. Chain of memories was supposed to be a GBA version of KH1 but nope made that bitch a sequel.