America: Make women that look like men

>America: Make women that look like men
>Japan: Make men that look like women
Who's right?

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Both are gay but one is easy on the eyes, also the right one isn't designed to with subverting humanity and worshipping Moloch in mind, tho it might contribute.

depends on if you're a coomer or not, simple as that

who this boypussy

okay, can we seriously cool it with the blatant sexism/homophobia/transphobia? it's gross, for real


The one on the left is a man just transgender

Japan does it either for a gag or fanservice.
America does it for a political agenda.

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Right, because it doesn't take away from the attractive women they have in their games.

Remember when they tried to attract women to gaming by making male women
Now they are just doing the same for trans men.
Proves western devs are hacks and although I am Slav I consider those CDPR cuck fucks westerners.

>Just when I started being proud of being a Slav they have to go with the tranny agenda


I'm tired if having to choose the faggotry of japan and the degeneracy if the west.
Like what the fuck man just make normal characters.

Right is right. Thank you Japan for appreciating male beauty.

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A lot of straight women like men that look girly or boyish.
Only closeted faggots like women that look manly.

japan because it make my pp hard

fucking bless

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Don't be hating on Ranmaru. Ranmaru is fucking great and Lord Nobunaga will not have you slandering my good name

Ranmaru Mori was said to be a very pretty boy historically I'm pretty sure? So that's why that's there
I dunno about Dyke Nukem tho, she could be based on Greta "Bring The Thunder" Thunberg or something

japan because it's not gay if it's lady's penis

If it's not fun, why bother? - Reggie Fis Ame

What are some "SJW" games other than TLoU?
Also it makes sense that a physically able woman looks more like a man due to higher T-levels.

what's it like to cuddle with a cute boy?

>plain ugly to virtue-signal to dipshit sjws who are always going to be convinced you are oppressing them no matter what you do so why bother
>androgenously beautiful/handsome because it's visually appealing, and because lol it's fucking mori ranmaru


>but i am not a gay
>implying the shirt has anything to do with his rampant cocklust

Whatever helps you sleep at night Kojimbles.

What you said about American games you little bitch.

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They're ugly and you smell stinky amercunt.


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what's funny is that they are both approaches used to appeal to audiences that are female, gay, or both.

>Also it makes sense that a physically able woman looks more like a man due to higher T-levels.
White guys are so stupid it hurts.
Black women have the highest T of all women on the planet, most of them do not look like roided out dykes because the amount of T you'd need to maintain that kind of physique for a woman would be fucking insane.
My cousin has T levels that are 400% higher than the average woman, and she used to be both a sprinter and a cheerleader, she still looks like a woman.
Hell, if anything, she's got much bigger tits than most other women.

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You don't need to roid to look like that as a woman. A fucked up hormone balance due to a genetic defect would be enough.
Those are also the only type of women who would be able to lead a group in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

Moreover why are women in games so fucking ugly now?

>A fucked up hormone balance due to a genetic defect would be enough.
Again, the amount of T she would need in order to maintain that kind of physique is not scientifically possible without some additional hormonal injections of some kind.
Look, user, I get it, you're an idiot, but please keep your idiocy to yourself and stop trying to defend white people and Jews sticking a bunch of ugly dykes in everything because it makes you feel less self-conscious about being an ugly dyke yourself.

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Implying some tranny dyke could best an android like 2B. Looks like Japan wins again, loser

what did he mean by this?

>Look, user, I get it, you're an idiot, but please keep your idiocy to yourself and stop trying to defend white people and Jews sticking a bunch of ugly dykes in everything
Stop trying to pretend every single western game is like this just because Druckmann is pandering to the woke movie audience.
The whole argument is worthless to begin with. Every time there's a single woman not fitting all beauty standards you fags are bitching about muh jewish subversion and then turn around and fap to generic moeblob fanservice #2353364

Your whole argument can be reduced to "no real woman looks like this" when that's simply untrue.

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