Best racing game of all time. All the older ones are fantastic too but this one feels like the peak of the series...

best racing game of all time. All the older ones are fantastic too but this one feels like the peak of the series. I still play it to this day and no other racing game series can ever match its soul

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It's a respectable bronze trophy behind GT1's silver and GT2's gold.
All great games, though.

GT3 was better

why do you need racing games when there is gta where you can race and do tons of other shit

GT3 is the best one user

I never played the GT series. How does this one compare to forza motorsport 4?

its great too i feel like gt4 just added a shitload more content and was more refined

Cringe. The storyline of 4 is much more complex and the plot twists are better.

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>Derivative tech demo with copy-paste events, retarded randomized prize cars, and the worst licenses in the series is the best game
I wanna nip this meme in the bud. GT3 is a fine game on its own, but the people who think it's "the best" are people who only played that one growing up, since it was a launch title that blew GT1 and 2's sales out of the water.

Wait, my bad. It wasn't a LAUNCH TITLE, but it was part of the big 2001 run of stellar exclusives.

Absolutely based. I clearly remember my disappointement with GT5 after playing GT4 and expectin an experience like it that i simple dropped the series altogether. Also, the music, so fuckin groovy and comfy

Why was Concept a thing?
Did they really want to show off how ugly the Cube was?
Why didn't just leave it for the time between 3 and 4?

Oh, a GT thread.
Reminder that GT5:P is better than GT5 in terms of quality > quantity.

Not so sure about that. Yes, It is a great game, but it was too dismissive from its origins. 4 was the starting point where GT became too polished for its own good. Imo, I preferred the crunchiness of the first 3. GT4 was like if it graduated college and got itself a high paying office job and had to smooth out its party boy past in order to appeal more to casuals.

I remember unironically doing real 8/12/24 hour endurance races in this. Leaving it on overnight and then letting AI drive at some points after building a massive lead.

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Does it have cuties on cars though?

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>put on an easy circuit like like test or high speed ring or that nascar like one
>have best car in the game
>tape down X
>leave and come back later
I tried it once, got to about lap 30/99 of mindless looping against mindless AI is not fun.

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>Never played gt4 with the steering wheel controller
This game litteraly created the racing
rig autists that come here

And NFS underground 2 of course

this game isnt easy though. Yes, most the races are easy if you just pull out a car that has twice as much horsepower, but its got endurance races, the later game shit is harder, getting gold on all the licenses is a feat, and the driving challenges are fucking hard.

>GT became too polished for its own good
That's what killed the series, desu.
The moment, the absolute instant that Kaz announced he was running the Nurburgring 24h, I knew Gran Turismo, as we knew it, would die.
Now look at it. GTSport is just a fucking faggy FIA wank-fest for simfags that won't bother to get into iRacing, a congratulatory bukkake over its brand deals with watch companies and exclusive concept cars.

Fuck Gran Turismo. I miss my simple, well paced progressing racing RPG.

Nah, I played 2-s. GT3 was less sim oriented than GT4. GT4 is responsible for sending the series on the path it is on today. Part of it could be that played so much GT3 that I was burned out on the series and thus none of the other games captured me like 3 did.

Arcade racers are better

this guy gets it

>GT3 was less sim oriented than GT4
It was less EVERYTHING oriented than any other GT.
>Only new cars (which I get was from tech limitations)
>As you progressed, you saw the same events just in "harder" categories
>Marked the only time the game's UI wasn't unique from the last one until like... 5-S. It was just a hodge-podge of GT2's stylings and sounds with minimal identifiable flair
>Again, license tests are always miserable, but the people who made GT3's license tests are real dicks
>GT1 and 2 had randomized prize cars for later events, but only GT3 had the fucking balls to give the player a straight up middle finger on multiple occasions through it.
It has great physics, a great OST, and it was very impressive when it comes out. Hell, it still looks "fine" today. But GT3 is a Frankenstein of parts from the previous games that were done better and bits later games would improve upon overall.
I REALLY want to love GT3 as much as I do 1, 2, or 4, but it has so many things that bother me.

i have a love for racing and cars that cant be explained. Like none of my friends or family like or appreciate it like I do, pretty sure playing these games when I was young implanted some kind of racing autism into my head, I still want to become a professional race car driver. Kind of cool having an achievable goal in my future that pushes me onward. Some people just arent passionate about anything it seems

>GT4 had a superior UI to GT3

Not what I said. But at least it has a fucking identity. It wasn't just the last one done over.

All GT interfaces are a fucking trainwreck without exception

It was a pack-in game though. idk if that gets included in sales

This but unironically

You have to learn to drive first.