Open Arena

Pass: 3
Are you weak?

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Are you weak?!?!?!?!?

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Actually the arena expired
Pass: 3

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i want him

I'm ready!

Hazards on 4 ffa. We got two people so far. No items, no custom stages, no meters, 3 stocks.

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Boy I sure do love playing smash bros more than shitposting about over it.

Looks like I'll have to get one of my personal friends in on this arena!

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>3 ips

And? Get the fuck in here or don't post, bitch ass loser ass bitch. Fuck you and fuck your stupid bear.

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Get out of here if you aren't going to join.

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Yeah, get in or get out.

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>3 letters

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This thread and...

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Post more.

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Wakey wakey Stevefags. We're one day closer to SpongeBob, yes THE SpongeBob from SpongeBob SquarePants being announced for smash ultimate's fighter pass dlc!! Say something nice to him.

Get in the official Yas Forums server here and lets play

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I'm curious on how the story continues if Steve did get in to Smash at later times.

Hey, hey, hey ladies and jellyfish, have you ever noticed salt shakers? I mean, you fill them up every night at closing, and I mean, where does it all go? Huh? You know what I mean?

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And tomatoes -- what's the deal on those things?

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I mean, you chop them up into slices, but...

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What are they, vegetables or... fruit? And what does that make? Ketchup?

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Hey, hey, funny guy! I've got a joke for you! What smells rotten and puts people to sleep?

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Noxious gas?
No your act!

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