Disco Elysium was a good game

Disco Elysium was a good game

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It wasn't even a game.

Yeah I liked it alot, any word on the expansion/sequel?

still good though

>lose karma points for shit-talking communism
>the fascist faction gives you the worst buffs and endgame equipment
>miss the opportunity to get the unique assault rifle if you're a homophobe
>somehow i'm meant to believe every police precinct will contain at least one trans officer in the future
leftist propaganda, cringe, seethe, cope, dilate

>no source
>no source
>no source
>no source

>somehow i'm meant to believe every police precinct will contain at least one trans officer in the future
Somebody has to handle those deep cover jobs.

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For such a commie friendly game, it's surprisingly expensive and barely goes on sale
I would actually be willing to give this game a try, some of the cringe stuff is cringe but the rest looks interesting, but holy fuck is it expensive

The devs tell people to pirate it

>karma points
Why do Yas Forumsfaggots who have never even played this game spread lies about it?

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yeah it was I played the whole thing

why do people get so mad at communists? it's literally just what they think about money... who gives a fuck about money???? I went snowboarding in Japan with this irish guy who was a communist, then I was going to introduce him to my american friend who asked what he studied, I said
>"he did politics and economics, he actually says he's a communist"
and then my friend became really angry and said he probably didn't want to meet him anymore.... was really weird cause as if this fucking idiot snowboarding with an idiot like me could do anything with his beliefs?

im genuinely glad Yas Forums will never touch this precious diamond of a game. they dont deserve it

It's pretty damn good for a first game. Not much replayability there, but that's okay. Definitely looking forward to the DLC and any other releases from them.

they hate communists because deep down they know they're right and that knowledge drives them insane over time

>the fascist faction gives you the worst buffs and endgame equipment
+2 phys from booze is a top-tier buff and losing morale is piss easy to deal with
>miss the opportunity to get the unique assault rifle if you're a homophobe
you can't even use it

Really? At least they are self aware, that's good. I pirated it.

Communists unironically committed worse atrocities in the 20th century and produced even less culture than fascists. The devs are mostly capitalists larping as communists which is why they were able to create something that people can enjoy.

if you lie enough, hell, maybe you'll even start to believe it (you wont)

>karaoke scene

i beat Disco Elysium a couple months ago and still listen to The Smallest Church in Saint-Saëns almost daily

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>Maoism and Bolshevism never happened bro
Uh huh.

They did happen, and they were good as hell

nooo not the freakin parasitic landlorderinos
not the heckin kulaks

But that wasn't real communism!
>Communist China
But that's not real communism!
>Disco Elysium
Now that's some damn fine communism

Y'all lost, get over it.

Not an argument retard, shut the fuck up dumb ass.

That wasn't an argument you fuckin' tranny, get the fuck off the board moron.

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+1 kim trusts you
+2 kim -truly- trusts you

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Ask any modern communist if he is willing to give his apartment he bought with own money to few arabian refugees, because muh equality and sharing. Ask him if he is willing to give out 95% of his civil rights and become nothing but workforce for the party, risking to spend 10 years in labor camp for a joke or criticism about party. No one, I repeat, 0 will say yes. Communist = hypocrite.

they actually did win, and will win again and again and again

if you want an argument, you should start by posting one, so i can ignore you and mock it

>pathologic dev says something about disco elysium
>in russian of course
Can any slavbro help with this? In the very end, questions I think

Can you give me a timecode?

there was a twitter communist who went to syria to do photo ops with some kurdish communists who were fighting isis

>they actually did win
Where? In your fan fic?

you could try reading a few books or looking at a world map.

>the future

If they only won on paper, they didn't win at all.

>was a good game
is it not a good game anymore? what happened?

You need to read more theory before you talk about communism shitlib

i wish i could be this stupid, i'd probably be a lot happier

Ok, found it. He says that he played it when it was in the making and how he met it's developers. He didn't finish it yet, but says that he understand developers vision on how universe works and why protagonist acts like that, and he says he is sure that the game is great.

Can you deflect any harder? You still haven't provided a single shred of evidence on anything you're talking about. Not even a successful communist nation to try to prove your point.

A Russian hexagon timestamped everything
> 1:48:19 "Игpaли в "Disco Elysium"?"

too many anons liked it so now we have to have hourly shitpost threads

This is so cute, user. I'm so happy, thanks!

i'm not here to educate you, i'm here to laugh at you for not knowing something every 4th grader learns when they look at a map.

You are welcome.

Okay, once someone deflects yet again like this I know they're baiting. Have fun, I'm out of here to play vidya.

its a long game of trying to convince the unwashed masses about "IMMINENT DANGER OF TRANNIES AND DEGENERATES" to an even longer game of recruiting them to do terrorist acts

nice blog post

Cope, pedophile. Fuck you.

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but everyone playing the long game either has an IQ of 75 or an ADD+Autism combo

they seethe about game devs praising Marx or something

>an even longer game of recruiting them to do terrorist acts
Ahh so that's what it's all about. They seem now less dumbfucks and more actual danger tho

what is a game then?

>Ask any modern communist if he is willing to give his apartment he bought with own money to few arabian refugees, because muh equality and sharing.
yah exactly, obviously they wouldn't but who gives a fuck? people say shit they wouldn't do all the time. it's obvious they just have a really fair-weather, romantic view of what it would be like, but so what? disco elysium was still plenty of fun, and my irish friend was still a cool dude otherwise.

you've run out of topical insults. you may as well start calling me a tranny. i'll take your reddit gold as you make your way to the exit row now