Anyone else hyped about this game? What are your expectations?

Anyone else hyped about this game? What are your expectations?

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What exactly are you hyped about?

The game

Interesting. Riveting thread.

Something ass creed should've given us a long time ago, so yeah, I'm pretty hyped

Sucker Punch is one of the few studios that have never let me down (Second Son had flaws but ultimately I really enjoyed it). I really don't know much about the game but I'm happy to buy it on release.

I was hype until I saw gameplay

The fact that Sony has barely hyped this is... concerning. I really want this to be good though.

Its going to be a better Batman game than Arkham Knight

So... you're excited to buy the new thing because it's new? No other reason?

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So are you going to answer the question? There is absolutely nothing to discuss right now except for the fact that it's a new game. You haven't mentioned gameplay, graphics, environment, ANYTHING. All you've said so far is "I'm hype about this game because of the game" found here and here .

All I saw was the trailer but I expect a cringe walking simulator/movie with arkham combat.

yeah im into it
i dont think hyped is the right word but ill play it at some point for sure
i really like japanese settings though

I'm excited for it for the fact that it's a grounded in reality feudal Japan game, it's not like Nioh or Sekiro with mythical fantasy elements, it's actually based on a real life battle

How the fuck is is grounded in reality? One of the few things that's been shown is some female samurai running around slicing off heads. Sorry to tell you but that wasn't a thing in 13th century Japan.

See, there you go. This is how you have a discussion. Now if this game were coming to PC, I would have looked into it and contributed back, but I haven't looked into it at all so all I can say is "Yeah that does seem cool".

Literally everything we've seen of the game so far is Jin cuttin niggas up, where are you getting this from. Maybe your mistaking that shitty new BF5 trailer for this

E3 2018 retard, it's probably the only gameplay that's ever been shown.

>female samurai running around slicing off heads
never happens

it is the only gameplay shown. your point?

Isn’t this by a western studio? Why would I want to play a Japanese style game with western agendas ham fisted into it?

I expect what i saw, bamham samurai and a constant sub 30 fps.

She's a female samurai in a video game, what do you think she does in her day job exactly?

Japanese only exist because of the western agenda.

I'm a fucking retard when a game is about samurai/ronin/shinobi, I will literally buy anything even if it's shit.

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How sad, if the only gameplay ever shown was 2 years ago then this game is gonna be absolutely atrocious.

I would be more excited if i saw real gameplay that didn't look scripted or clunky as hell.


I adore Sekiro but this game looks like a sidegrade compared to it so i'm ambivalent

You know female samurai existed right

Attached: Onna_bugeisha_Ishi-jo,_wife_of_Oboshi_Yoshio.jpg (722x1006, 815.67K)

My point is you cretin, if there's a female samurai running around, something which never existed in 13th century Japan, then the game is about as realistically grounded as Nioh is. At least William actually existed, even if they got his accent wrong.

This is a picture of a Ronin's wife who existed in the 18th century, drawn in the 19th century. I guess that must mean there were female samurai in the 13th century now.
