What kind of game would be good for Korra to be the protagonist of?

What kind of game would be good for Korra to be the protagonist of?

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this tumblr shit doesn't deserve to be a video game

Alley way whore who wants to control a drung ring herself. She can street fight.
There I just made Yas Forums cum buckets and I’m rich

Armpit Washing Simulator 2020

How Not to Make a Protagonist Simulator 2020

Some sort of mass destruction game since Korra just fucking chimps out and smashes up shit when she gets mad.

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Ryona mind break hentai games. Was the platinum shovelware beat em up any good?

How did they fuck up this show so bad compared to AtlA

*clink clink clink*
>"Attention, brother and sister spirits. I have an announcement to make to our dear friend the Avatar, Korra. I would like to thank her for allowing us the chance of freely entering and exiting the human world. There are so many type of faces to enjoy! A toast to the competent Korra!"

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As someone who only watched the first season and knows the rest only through osmosis, was I the only one that thought the whole "Korra gets with Agami" thing only happened because they were hemorrhaging views and they thought catering to the weird fanart from season 1 would save them?
Not joking, when I first heard about it I thought someone was trying to pull a fast one on me, but seriously, it felt like they just took the weird shipping art and thought "You know what, let's just run with that!"

Just imagine it, you actually impregnate her, yet you decide to stay around a be a decent father.

So Korra actually gives birth to a daughter
and while you're happy, you remember what
she said to you during that powerful hatesex, yet you think she was just roleplaying in some messed up way.

But one day. as she's breastfeeding your daughter, you walk in while a raging hard
on to bang Korra but not in front of the baby,
yet she says "since baby loves mommy's
milk, I know you'll like daddy's milk much more."

She then pulls out your cock and has the
baby suck it while confused and shocked, she looks at you and says "I told you, if it was a girl...", you then become turned on and have the baby deepthroat your cock before you release a huge load in her small mouth, which she actually swallows it and seems to like it.

You then grin and say "Heh, you're just like your mommy", while Korra grins and begins to tongue kiss and suck the baby's mouth to collect the remaining cum to consume.

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I mean, I thought the first avatar was ok. And like the first half of the first season.

....lavabending was cool i guess....

Korra would have her face instantly fucking stolen.

What do you care about Korra, boi? You don't have anything down there.

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He was in the wrong to frame it as something shameful. He had the best intentions, the whole world isn't as excepting, but it must be frustrating to be the avatar and still have people telling you to hide your love.

Mindbreak porn game

Avatar Musou would be great

>that entire post

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He wasn't framing it as something shameful, he was just telling her that while he accepts it and loves her, not everyone in the world is so supportive.


4 elements trainer to be done with that path

The villains were right, but still portrayed as evil.

Having a shallow bitch for a protagonist sure didn't help. It doesn't matter which season of Korra it was, she should have been a background character. I'm not saying women shouldn't be protagonists, just not Korra.

How is there no Kuroinu-type game for the Avatar world yet? The setting is ripe for rape and conquest and shit.

I remember this post from around 6 years ago in Yas Forums. Good times...

She's a shallow bitch who constantly fucks up and gets served. Pretty realistic, to be honest.

That kind of game with rape game over animation.

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It should've been one long epic story arc.
The relationship drama was really stupid and led to a forced conclusion that wasn't ever even hinted at.
Instead of not knowing a lot at the start and getting to see her grow, she's perfect at the start, but then goes though some stuff to show she's imperfect, but then she becomes perfect. Really pointless character arc.
They had a really good idea of the setting and having things centered around Republic City, but they never fully lived up to its potential.

Otherwise the show wasn't that bad. Villains were cool and even though a big story arc would've been better the smaller ones were still okay.


why my pipi hard

She has a Platinum game. It's awful. Fucking Naga sections I swear to God.

I wouldn't call it awful but you're right about the Naga sections
Holy SHIT the one in the snow on the hardest difficulty was some bullshit

Cute Korra but does it come in white?

Probably some kind of a character action game.