Which is better

Which is better

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Any other Persona game.

Clearly right
inb4 poors start shouting about Marie

left: soul
right: soulless

Persona 3

Golden is objectively better. The only reason you hear otherwise around here is piratefags angry you need to pay money to play it. Once a functional Vita emulator is released expect a bunch of opinions to suddenly turn around.



Contrarians will say PS2 was better despite Golden being the definitive version because muh marie sucks and muh chie VA
Bunch of faggots

I have played both. Golden is superior to vanilla P4.

Golden, get a Vita, the PSTV´s prices skyrocketed after people realized they weren´t infinite so don´t even bother. You can also wait a year for the emulator to be functional...


Tell me why you're dirty
Everything falling apart
Tell me why you're dirty
After the promise

Still I guess, Still guess
Oh, baby, I need you
Lookin so different when in street light

Happy, happy, dick is so hard-y
heartbreak, heartbreak, you tell me goombah
Happy, happy, dick it's so hard-y
heartbreak, heartbreak, you tell me goombah

Persona 3 has too much gameplay
I need my 12 hours of anime cutscenes and talking cat that tells me I shouldn't play the game

I expect people to stop pretending golden is good once the emulator works

Golden adds Marie, a literal mary sue and makes her a vital point of the game. I guess you get a "vacation scene" as fanservice for putting out with it

This and P4G is the best in the series overall. Most likable setting, cast and story by far.

Dojima Residence

Your affection Your affection Taking pride from fear
Past will tell you when to make yourself a hero
Your affection Your affection Taking pride from fear
Past will tell you when to make yourself a hero!!!!

P4G if you want some basic fixes as well as additional fan service.

P4 is completely fine, but easily does have some issues with oddly paced story/character telling

Anyone who complains about Marie being shoehorned in or whatever are people who haven't played it - they watched the Golden anime and then pretend to have played the game (Persona fanbase is filled with people pretending to have played certain games like P4G and P2 and so on for some reason, dunno why). It's untrue and Golden's overall QoL improvements make it a better game.

Fuck i just realized the lyrics are wrong


Why the fuck was P4Golden released on the vita alone?? Shit man... i cant even emulate it

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As someone whos played both versions...
You'd probably wanna play the Golden version. As its got the most stuff in it and you're not really missing anything from the PS2 version... Besides Chie's original English voice actor.

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You can completely ignore Marie.

Or you can just play both

>P1 above anything


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Persona 4 had such comfy and kino music. You all have shit taste if you disagree. I liked the music in Persona 4 better than Persona 3.

>best OST
>best town
>best girl (chie)
4 was truly peak persona

>Imagine if Chie wore slutty panties or just no panties
>That tummy

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Contrarians need to die

Best girl of the whole series easily. All I want in life is a Chie wife.

As a CHAD who's played all the Dancing games, P4 > P3 > P5 in terms of music. Jazz fucking blows.

P4 since it lacks Marie Sue

>Implying spats arent the superior option

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>you're not really missing anything from the PS2 version... Besides Chie's original English voice actor
Yeah that’s a pretty good point, he should play the original

You're just mad because you know I'm right.


I know right? She was so good...

If you all hate Marie so much why didn’t you just ignore her social links?

Obviously Golden
All Persona rereleases are objectively superior outside of Portable which is still amazing but loses something without 3D models.

Because "muh Marie" is literally the only argument vanillafags have.

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I got a pantsu fetish, user. Have had it for a long time...

Original better

>Hey we have this Japanese tomboy teenage girl full of energy
>We should have her voice actress sound like middle aged single mother
Oh yeah sooooooo much better
Persona 1 and both of 2 have gay ASS GAMEPLAY it sucks ASS
But Tatsuya not being able to have his hot ass waifu Maya because the universe would explode is pretty kino and sad. Worse fate than Makoto


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I would sell my soul to play golden bros.

This. See

Golden makes fusion better but injects the game with garbage bloat and doubles down on the kawaii waifu sim bullshit. It's overall shittier but has more content.

Golden is the shittiest of the Persona 3-5 rereleases because there's genuine reasons to prefer the vanilla version other than a changed VA.

In the original can't you not control the party members?

I remember that being the reason why I bought Golden after I beat Persona 5

I'm poor so PSV