Post reload animations

Post reload animations.

Attached: reload.webm (960x540, 750.9K)

make me

Attached: Satisfying.webm (532x300, 2.89M)

Attached: 16.webm (726x700, 473.72K)

How does that do anything?

Remnant was mediocre, and /k/ fags are obnoxious as hell.

Attached: Gorefist fight.webm (532x300, 2.98M)

There isn't a game that hasn't been mediocre in the past 3 years dumb faggot

I dont buy zoomer skinner boxes
Is this some reskin of phatasy star bb?

>zoomer skinner boxes
??? do you even know what that game is

>skinner box
nigga what


Attached: PresentSkeletalGonolek-size_restricted.gif (500x288, 3.17M)

Remnant: From the Ashes

Attached: Singe fight.webm (354x200, 2.93M)

>slow bosses and guns
looks incredibly boring and easy

Attached: meooow.png (800x799, 557.26K)

Yeah , it's not that difficult of a game . There's like 2 bosses who are an actual challenge , the rest is generally piss easy .

zoom zoom zoom

It's more about the ride. The worlds are neat, plenty of gear to get, and you can re-run the worlds a few times. It's nothing amazing, but a solid 30-40 hours worth of content if you like to replay stuff.

>a railgun is kind of slow
Yeah, no shit.

I haven't played it in a while but last time I did every bossfight had infinitely respawning enemies that just appear behind you and beat the shit out of you so you have no time to actually fight the boss
It was fucking bullshit

It's like Dark Souls made by a ukranian unity indie dev, don't expect great quality. It's a fun little thing worth pirating.

Boss adds are weaker than the normal versions and they exist because ammo.

Enemies spawn during specific boss moves/phase. Once you've played through them you usually know when and where to look. It gets quite easy. But it's a lot of knowing the fight.

>developers took out the fun
Only reason I'm not playing anymore.

Attached: Because why not.webm (1244x700, 2.95M)

>Slow bosses, With guns.

model 1887 akimbo had the best reload

Not when I played it. They would just appear constantly one after the other, and they would ALWAYS spawn directly behind you

>building-sized bosses
>wonders why they're slow

Enemies had spawn locations. Even the little fuzzy fucks in the ent fight. They don't spawn randomly. I played the game since launch day and about 60 hours worth

Attached: Ent.webm (1244x700, 2.94M)

No, you're wrong. Been playing the game since day one and they spawn outside of trigger events, like a boss phase transition or when the boss does a particular attack, etc. And no, they don't always spawn behind you. In two of the webms posted in this thread, in one fight the adds spawn on the opposite of the room and charge towards you and in another the adds spawn literally from the boss' body.

I don't know what to tell you dude. I played it near launch and that's what was happening

what game?

do it or you're not based

It's not what was happening. You just didn't understand the mechanics. that's not a negative. Most people who played it felt the adds were bullshit, when they were really quite easy to handle once you figured out their timing

Attached: Rem 02.jpg (1920x1080, 390.15K)