Any good games from there besides pathologic?

Any good games from there besides pathologic?

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Pac man

lol, is it really a russian game?
i dont know it

Is Russia even a country anymore? I feel like they lost their soul after the USSR fell. How many people even live there now? 50,000?

pathologic 2


Slavjank outnumber the good ones


144 millon

Immaculate English

It's like they don't even exist. How is this possible?

Heroes of Might&Magic5 and Kings Bounty:The Legend

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There are always been not so many people compared to the territory
like in Canada

>lost their soul after the USSR fell
Nigga, that's when they finally got their soul. That is until Vlad decided to personally take on the task of completely raping the Russian population and its abundant resources.

STALKER series
Metro series

Quite a few honestly:
Silent Storm
Space Rangers
Heroes V
Ex Machina
Sea Dogs
Hard Truck 2: King of the Road
Star Wolves
King's Bounty (Remake)
Sudden Strike

its ukraine made games

Allods Online(MMORPG)

Before whole war thing there was a little difference, honestly.
Even now, i'm honestly cheering for Ukraine.

No, it was different countries anyway

We're too busy surviving in the promised (((capitalist))) "paradise" left to us by Gorby&Co, тoвapищ.

Why by all russia threads felt into politics?

literally a myth, next you're going to claim that Roland and Arthur collaborated on a game

In post-soviet period there was a time when it was difficult to imagine other SRs like different countries. It was like different states in US. Anyway, my friends still works in different post-soviet countries and have little to none problems with culture or language.

When will you guys adopt the China Model and become relevant again? Putin seems to be copying China already.


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The Void.

Like 40% of population has great dissatisfaction with current state.

China model is about using cheap cheap labor from villages, russia already is about 73,11 % urban population

Like in usa, isnt it?


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b-b-but u-ukraine...

Eh, we have our boomers who eat propaganda and are nostalgic about soviet times.
Maybe similar, but on whole another level of poverty.

think about it

i think its similar situation in most cases, user
And about poverty - we have different level of it here too, even in one city


Literally almost the same as Japan wtf

With how indifferent to everything our older gens are, the only thing we'll see Russia adopting in the near future would be Swedistan's SJW model once Putin gets overthrown by Internet-indoctrinated zoomers.

>40% of population has great dissatisfaction with current state.
but its Yas Forums not fuking Yas Forums so i dont think this need to discause here

I can't think of a single game where russian devs weren't involved. A game made only by russians probably doesn't exist.

You let a KGB nigga walk back in and take it for himself, never trust a spook.

in Canada live 37 millions people, its 2nd largest country with population of poland, so why not?

why you think so?