Is this game any good

Is this game any good

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keanu reeves is good


Yes, Yas Forums got filtered because they just watched some faggot youtuber or streamer play the game for them like a little zoomer would, and thus only saw the generic Deviant Connor / Pacifist Markus route. If you make kino choices, you get a kino story.

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>David Cage
the fuck do you think

It is but I can't play it because it's not cracked yet and you can't send gift in the Epic Store so nobody can give it to me


Only the parts with Connor and Hank.

The title of this game always makes me laugh. It seems like a command to the fucking animals that have infested modern-day Detroit. No clue what the game is about though.

It has some classic David Cage melodrama, stiff romance, and awkward fanservice, but I genuinely enjoyed it. Easily Quantic Dream's best game. The investigation aspects are fun, and the way that the story branches because of your choices is leagues beyond what Beyond Two Souls had.

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Detroit > Beginning of Indigo Prophecy > Heavy Rain >>> The majority of Indigo Prophecy > Beyond Two Souls > Whatever Omikron was

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As long as you genocide all the robots pretending to be human.

the only good thing about it is connor

can't speak to omikron or detoilet but yeah that sounds about right
indigo prophecy starts with promise but the way it completely shits itself is a sight to behold
heavy rain is genuinely his best game (of the three I'm talking about) and that really says something about the quality of the other two more than anything about its own quality
and beyond isn't even the funny kinda bad like the other two, that game's just an obnoxious slog with like maybe two goodbad moments (and no goodgood moments obviously)

Non deviant connor is based as fuck

Your choices actually matter so yes
Gets preachy at times but it's fun seeing who you disagree with fucking DIE

Oh and I want to fuck the blonde android bitch so fucking bad

it has one of the most based characters in vidya history in it
connor is one of the all-time great androids.
as for the game, depends on how you play it. if you choose the typical liberal social justice options all the time it's a boring time. if you think for yourself all kinds of wild shit can happen, and it's worth it.

David Cage is an actual retard

nothing fro the Cage is good

imagine actually playing connor as a deviant. like... imagine.
how could someone misread his character so badly? how could they ruin the game for themselves so utterly? and it's always these people who complain the game was predictable.

It's not much of a game, it's a choose your own adventure film. I liked it though, was fun being the bad guy in any situation I could and making decisions that I probably wouldn't IRL. You can tell by the percentage of trophies & decisions made by players that pacifist softcocks usually play it.

A third of it is good, Connor and Mr Krabs is very enjoyable to go through I wish the game was only that instead of underground railroad bullshit and BLM

I think police segments in David Cages end up being decent only because police work at least requires a modicum of logic. Any other plot element where he's allowed creative freedom just becomes a tonal mess

It's ok. Has some obnoxious things about it, but you could do worse.

It's fun the first time through, terrible on replays though since your choices barely affect anything other than your character's attitude and a few alternate paths. I don't know if you can even kill off any of the characters to skip their parts like Heavy Rain or Until Dawn.

it's got a good waifu

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Indigo's Prophecy going to such bizarre and incomprehensible lengths in the second half could have been "So bad it's good territory" if not for the really awful stealth and QTE sections that made it more of a chore than anything else to finally finish it.

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I liked his relationship with Hank though, even if I didn't think he had any chemistry with any of the actual androids.

Yah it's great.

Non-deviant Connor and Kara abandoning the bait and switch loli are the most kino endings. Prove me wrong

You can watch it all on YouTube

This, going full villain Markus with a deviant but ultimately loyal to humanity Connor was pure cyberpunk kino.


>David Cage: Can a robot be human?
>Yoko Taro: Can a human be human?
>David Cage: ... what?
I don't trust David Cage to have rational thoughts.

it's hilarious how many of the QTE events in Beyond Two Souls can't actually be failed

It's great and Redpilled.

Yoko Taro liked Detroit

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I did and stopped midway through. I had to because I was super pissed off at the picks jewtubers do.

Always the shittiest choices.

I remember. I still don't trust David Cage. All his ideas are superficial.

Couldn't someone just put together all the choices into hyperlinks and you can essentially play the whole game on Youtube, like how Death Battle does the "click here if you want to see Batman win" stuff?


You can approximate it but no, not really. Detroit is an extremely complex game. Choices you make in early chapters will come back to affect later ones, there are relationship meters that your responses affect, etc. There's no way you could keep all of that perfectly straight.

honest answer, I liked it. Wasn't the best game in the world but as far as "yor choices mattur" it does actually deliver fairly well.

There's basically three endings for each character, although there is some variety in what surrounds it. 7/10. Wasn't bad.

*scenes with Conner are good

Can actually make choices that affect the story throughout the game. Can actually even roleplay. Detective story, hilarious mannerisms in cutscenes. Can't die, technically.
Follows a preset story until the end, with the exception of you being able to kill her off at almost any point. Mostly heavy handed bleeding heart shit in her parts of the story. The stupidest twist imaginable.
Follows a preset story until close to the end. Can get killed off at one point but it actually doesn't change anything. His subplot still goes through the same way. Bland as all hell character.

Recommend you buy Skyrim instead.

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swear to god the only good part of a david cage game is when you play Connor or Norman Jayden. i think it's the only thing he can write well.

>misread his character so badly
Nigga, he's moldable as fuck. He's basically whatever you or they want.

I don't supose anyone who bought the game would lend me their Epic games account so I can play it? UwU

I'm whatever you want me to be, lieutenant. Your partner. Your drinking buddy. Or just a machine.

Being the one sane person in a world full of lunatics is pretty relatable to most people.

Most people who bash the game for lacking subtlety probably didn't even pick up on the Kamski subplot.

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No it is just a QTE movie, boring as fuck too.
