Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:


Attached: 1588282734915.png (611x849, 319.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor Post.

Attached: e0fb77cf8698351ab7b384c3ddae4e142c993dfc.png (2000x2000, 1.66M)

requesting kat and raven from gravity rush with king cai on a leash
the idea being a hypothetical scenario in a never-ever gravity rush 3 where they find cai and try to watch over him

Attached: 1588280181523.png (1764x736, 716.66K)

Requesting my character from the videogame "Mabinogi" on her Chichol Set, doing stuff related to dark gods like killing/fighting heroes, spreading dark mist of misery, sitting on a throne, reading ancient scrolls of forbidden magic, flying through the starry night, posing menacingly while bathing in moonlight, doing some sort of ritual or anything else you can think of.

Alternatively, spreading her wings and extending her hand to the viewer, inviting him/her to join the dark side. Please make sure to emphasise her weight and gluttony.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1588215257435[1].png (4000x4000, 1.7M)

Requesting the Silencer from Star Wars having just killed a ton of Imperial Inquisitors and about to finish off the Second Sister like he's doing in the picture

I mean the Imperial Inquisitors from Star Wars, just so we're clear.

Attached: 1588215313163[1].jpg (768x1024, 117.79K)

Requesting Prisoner 849 from Unreal being wasted by some Fortnite characters in a fight

Attached: 1588215440991[1].jpg (724x1024, 123.33K)

Requesting some villagers holding turnips playing red light green light with Orville, most likely with Nooks Cranny behind him.

In case the joke isn't clear, it's based on how the flights into an island constantly freezes the gameplay for everyone trying to sell their turnips.

Attached: wuhoh.png (1152x642, 664.72K)

Requesting the coffin dance meme but with the Gungrave Overdose characters Juji and Billy carrying Grave's coffin weapon and Grave lead them.

Attached: 450455.jpg (1000x2077, 911.92K)

Requesting Kyle from Dead Trigger doing the Doom box art pose, but with zombies in a ruined city instead of demons on Mars.

And he's holding an M4

Attached: Screenshot_(267).png (271x390, 208.18K)

Requesting a variant of this meme but with Coco and Kiera.

Attached: laughin'.jpg (610x1024, 101.79K)

You son of a bitch

Charlotta stuck in a wall getting her butt spanked with wooden paddles. Both back view of the butt being spanked and front view of her reactions to being spanked.

Attached: 1587513675350.png (618x628, 243.38K)

overconfident hilda instant loss into being bent over leaning against a wall and fucked from behind with an angry expression viewed from underneath

Attached: 418px-Black_White_Hilda.png (418x899, 243.49K)

Requesting a female Clavat wearing a bunnysuit, but she's too flat to fill out the chest of her outfit.

Attached: Clavats-Concept.jpg (980x330, 104.64K)

Hewwo may I pwease get some requests?

Attached: 1570863388531.jpg (400x300, 27.56K)

fuck girls

requesting you draw vidya food

yeah i’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

Requesting Marie Rose but as a goth girl.

Attached: 154203429012674.jpg (400x400, 27.77K)

Fuck you

Attached: __akagi_miria_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_jirou_slept__a4528a48d858c053aa61ead1452c9078.png (450x600, 375.02K)

i want emma stone with a big cock

Any requests for this feel?

Attached: 20200430_140428.jpg (735x678, 210.92K)


Attached: DnaSOHsUcAAUtyR.jpg (852x480, 48.19K)

Requesting you draw vidya girls as food.

Attached: food.jpg (1489x676, 367.22K)

That is disgusting

ly hot, you should draw it

requesting fat asses in tiny thongs


Requesting Byleth Eisner -male or female- hugging their murderous pregnant wife Kronya from behind

Attached: Iblameyesterday'sthreadforthis+frogedition.png (3148x1920, 2.77M)

Requesting Cierra having sex with user

Attached: CB472DAA-D7B0-47D1-91D8-7C782AC2A869.png (480x320, 192.51K)

I kinda wanna draw those girls from the crash racing game, any requests?

You're giving up and going in harder on the self insert now I see

Liz wearing a white t-shirt midriff showing and a g-string.

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20200220215358.png (1072x844, 655.37K)

Okay I'll do it

Requesting anything lewd or suggestive with a sleeping male Bedman from guilty gear.
Some examples: files.catbox.moe/j1zx8n.jpg

Attached: bedman ref.png (848x1106, 915.25K)

Requesting Gigachad giving Saber from Fate a gentle pat on the head.

Attached: Yes.jpg (500x586, 18.52K)