Who's in the wrong here?

Who's in the wrong here?

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White people

the lesbian one


grabbing the arms of someone choking you is a newbie mistake. gouge their eyes if their hands are around your neck.




>that downgrade
oh no no no lmao

fucking god tier


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We've hit another golden era for Yas Forums

It could only be better if it ended with the death scene where Ellie shoots sENATOR tRANNY

Was it truly necessary to redo iconic scenes with updated graphics? It took away the nuanced expressions of the older graphics and Ellie’s big bright innocent and disappointed eyes.

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You, because you posted a screenshot from a western game

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The buyer.

isnt the one on the left for ps3? and youre saying this isnt a downgrade from the movie trailer? the left somehow looks better even though its older according to you lol

without knowing any context, i'm just gonna say the tranny because fuck trannies

Look I know autistic people are annoying but there is no need to strangle them. Taking it a bit far there Arnold.

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No it's so fuckin awesome, two representations of the same event, so dope

The lesbian. If Joel hadn't killed that surgeon then nonecof this wouks have ever happenend. Haha


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They made her Down's Syndrome.

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>didnt say nice knife when grabbing the knife
try again

you play as the tranny...? wut

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Yes, it took 6 months of crunch but it was worth it.

The bitch that killed Joel for no reason? Duh.

I've been laughing non-stop for the past couple of days.
There are all fucking great

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No, not for no reason. Joel killed her old man. Remember that badass that threatened Joel with a scapel? That was him. This was personal, not for nothing. I just wanted to put that out there.

They're all in the wrong,
OoooOOOoooo so deep.

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>Be me
>Try to save my surrogate daughter from people who are about to kill her
>One of these faggots threatens me with a scapel lol
>Kill him in self defense
>take daughter with me and do no further damage to any of the other people in the room
>get killed 15 years later because the fag I killed had a transgender son who happens to have nanomachines implanted in hix body

This is going to be the shitiest boss battle. I would lose on purpose.

i didnt knew maisie williams were casted too

Shit indeed happens am I right?


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What a fucking shitshow, did they change the setting to light comedy?

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