How do we fix modern Sonic?

How do we fix modern Sonic?

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Stop trying to make Sonic look cool and just embrace his cartoonish design.

I'd rather have them rebooting Modern Sonic

We focus on the girls

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get rid of every character other than sonic, tails, knuckles, and eggman. No more new characters are allowed

just focus on making a fucking game i don't give a shit what the plot is you can make that after making a good game

keep amy though. she's the only girl character and her hammer mechanics in Advance were fun.

Just give it to anyone else. The Sonic Team does not give a shit.


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Girls are gay, and have no place in a game as cool as Sonic.


It's already clear that Sonic Team has already lost it's passion on making Sonic due to countless of years on making the same Sonic games, instead of giving them a break by letting them make other games, and giving the series to a new team composed of new bloods.

Make a big 3D classic style game and add Fang the Sniper as a villain.
Also make Adventure 3.

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Unironically just make a bunch of SA1 style sonic stages and put them together in one game.

Just give the wheel to the Mania team. They've shown that they can make a good game, so why have they seemingly been reluctant to bring them back?

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>another "mania is good"fag
Fake sonic fans vex me

Let us actually move outside of straight line. Also a bigger agency on the speed, outside of fast and CRASHING ON The WALLS.
Also choose a mood a stick with it. If you want to be serious with stakes don't have some meme humor. Actually, never do meme humor, that shit isn't funny. Even Shadow the Hedgehog is more funny and that game isn't even trying to make me laugh.

>another zoomer
I feel sorry that you never got to experience the kino that was the original trilogy.

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amy came before knuckles you retard classicpedo scum
the classic designs look like a pedophile wanting to fuck babys which is why you pedophiles like them you sick fucks get off Yas Forums

shut up modernfurry.

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The original duology, you mean. The truth is that 3&K, while a commercial success, KILLED classic sonic. It completely fucking ruined classic sonic gameplay and every game featuring classic style gameplay since has attempted to replicate it.
People that like it or even see it as the best of the classics is a mouth breathing retard.

Mania was fun but I legit doubt we will see another one so soon. Be it for "muh nippon honoru" or for Sega not knowing there is still an audience for 2D Sonic.

>responding to bait

No...? It looks amazing, it sounds amazing, it plays amazing, the special stages are more fun than Sonic 2's, and if you think Sonic 1 is better, the mouth breathing retard claim might fall back onto you.
I get satisfaction calling a retard a retard. In the end, I still win.

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a sausage fest is even gayer

I don't see any sausages just cartoon animals. Sex is irrelevant unless you're some kind of weird furry.

>sex is irrelevant
>but girls are gay and shouldn't be in Sonic

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I obviously didn't make that post

Wrong. It perfected 2D Sonic gameplay, that's why it's nearly universally considered the best one, it's why Mania was based on S3&K's style and it's why Mania was so beloved and successful. Your opinion is the extreme minority and all the other Sonic fans are laughing at you.

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This. Stop trying to turn him into shonen. Stop trying to make the premise of a world populated by 3 foot anthros and a cartoony egg shaped scientist into stories of mad gods and time travel. Just fucking stop.

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Here's how classic sonic worked prior to 3:
>stages are horizontal-focused, paths are upper/lower
>access to upper route is largely locked behind proper platforming
>focus is on consistently moving forward
>rarely slowed down by means you can't control
Now what did 3 do? It ruined all of that. Stages are far more vertical than before, there are many parts where sonic is moving up or down a level. Because of this, there are many parts where you are forced to slow down, and now rather than upper/lower, many alternate paths are just built into the main path. This means that a lot of the time, the alternate paths only serve to save a few seconds, as opposed to their former role of allowing you to skip large portions of the level. In addition to this, the concept of getting better to get through faster is lost, since so many of the alternate paths no longer require you to be good at the game to reach them. The next issue would be that the game incentivizes exploration. This forces the player to stop moving forward, in favor of looking around. For example, in previous games, the player would reach the bonus stages naturally, here they have to go out of their way to find the rings. Classic sonic's entire focus was lost. It used to be about mastering the physics and learning the route paths to maximize speed, but now that hardly mattered. It transformed into a much more "normal" platformer, more akin to something like mario. It's a shame so few people can see it like this

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lmao classicpedo infighting is hilarious
are there classicpedos who think sonic was only ever good at beginning of green hill zone in sonic 1 and had a rocky transition when he started moving?

Stages are more vertical because there are more optional paths for you to take, it allows the physics to be played with better, and exploration provides more benefits. The best stages of Sonic 1 and 2 have good amounts of verticality.