3x3 thread

3x3 thread

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They really did just become (you)s magnet. Also they're the lowest form of vidya discussion on Yas Forums next to Yas Forumsermins. At least 3x3 has video games. But I'd take another LoU2 thread.

These should be on the Switch.

digibro is such an overanalytical autist

Are Q series and Scramble that bad?

Why would I play spinoffs when I haven't played the original games first?

These threads always remind me of how many good games I haven't played yet

This is outdated, Yas Forums absolutely hates anything remotely jap now. Replace those Japanese games with stuff like Doom and HL1.

I'm generally massively insecure but I don't give a fuck what people think about my taste, the same way I don't really care about their taste.

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how many SMT games have you played

3 outta 9 ain't so bad I suppose

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something is off about these covers

Which Mario game is bottom right suposed to be?

Wind Waker is specifically the Wii U version. The amount of tedium it fixed makes playing the original a slog.

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I don't know or care what those are.


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would have been 7 if it wasn't for >Wind Waker is specifically the Wii U version
the awful blur ruined it for me

metroidvania edition

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You know what. Fuck persona 3.
>worst combat in the series
>music is terrible
>cringe dialogue
>nihilism from a bunch of 12 yo
>worst than it's predecessors and sequels

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The blur sucks but the swift sail is such an amazing addition that I can't help but appreciate the Wii U version more.

8/9 good taste my man
3/6 I like that you got some more obscure stuff going on but it doesn't pay off


the music was good and while it was worse than 4 it was still better than 5

your mom still never paid off lmao.

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unironically based, but that's a controversial opinion around here since Yas Forums is full of P3 fags, they never even explain themselves either besides >muh death and >muh themes, as if no other story has them or that's even enough to make it a "masterpiece", the worst offender is probably the characters, they're not terrible mind you but them being somehow lauded as amazing here really makes me wonder if I played the same game as these people sometimes

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Haven't played Xenoblade.
Bloodborne, FFXII, P4, Tekken
Super Metroid, Aria of Sorrow
Deadly Premonition, Killer 7, MGS 2, Hotline Miami

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Shit, forgot (You)s

are 4x4's's ok?

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your taste doesn't warrant 16 choices

Posting it again. R8 and h8.

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8/8 Rabi-Ribi is the pinnacle of the genre
9/9 CE's campaign is overrated
I've explained my opinion on P3 many times but usually just get the same old tired responses about Tartarus and tactics. The problem goes both ways. If you want to actually discuss the topic I'm down for a P3 thread but this isn't really the place for analyzing a specific game.

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>King Kong
outstanding choice

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Great collection for pure gameplay porn
You got a taste for crazy I like it
Is that the GitS PS1 game? I never played it, do you think it's still worth checking out today?
Just stick to 3x3 and trimm some of the bad off
Good taste all around
Always like seeing the original NieR mentioned again, I like Automata as well but it did the original a disservice by overshadowing an already underrated gem