Game journalist so trash he can't even start a game

Game journalist so trash he can't even start a game

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I don't care about the opinions of literal whos. I just want to play video games.


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cant even press screenshot on his keyboard

then why are you shitposting online instead of playing video games?


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>can't even take a screenshot
Just stick to console...

>arrgh something happen!
>i must share this with the world

Isn't GFE supposed to keep your drivers autoupdated? How many screwups are being made here?

>Reddit “Me:” format
>game journalist
>didn’t even update his drivers
Watch him give it a 5.6/10 or some shit

If you allow it. GFE is also a piece of shit that routinely needs to have permissions in W10 reset to work. That error code is one I get all the time to the point I uninstalled.

GFE is having trouble running the auto-updater, but he's clearly too much of a brainlet to do a search on Google for "nvidia geforce drivers" as he doesn't even know how to take a screenshot.

It takes two seconds to go into services and allow it to auto run. I agree W10 shouldn't block it but it's not a huge hassle.

>it's not a huge hassle.
Except you have to restart every time. I don't need shadow play or slightly faster driver installs that much.

It takes YOU 2 seconds. You overestimate the common mans knowledge of computers. If you delete a shortcut from the desktop, most people think you uninstalled it.

>Here's Why Updating Drivers Needs An Easy Mode

Says the retard spending his time on a website specifically FOR literal whos stating their opinions to each other.

îmagine being too brainlet to update graphic card drivers like the fucking error tells him

That driver is quite old. And Geforce updates their drivers automatically by itself nowadays.

This is bait. High quality bait judging by this thread.

Attached: file.png (768x158, 25.73K)

It's real. Check his time line.

Not trying to defend this guy but isn't it way faster to take a picture on your phone?
Not like the end result is that much different

How do you get cash back for installing drivers?

>And Geforce updates their drivers automatically by itself nowadays.
Not if you don't allow it. Also I'd assume GFE isn't working since the pic literally shows an error code.

Yea, and at the same time It's actually so easy. Girlfriend Experience even tells you when an update is ready. You only have to start the installation.

I had the same issue that required an update for my graphics card drivers

Yeah, the entire thing is bait.

Its for the NVidia website and I couldn't be assed to rehit snip again.

No. It only shows you are an absolute idiot. Doing this with a console is fine but on a PC it just shows complete incompetence. Enough that he should be fired from his job and possibly blacklisted by the industry until he proves he knows how to operate the most basic functionalities of the devices he reviews games on.

>Polygon evolves from failing to play Doom to failing to launch a game


geforce experience can sometimes literally require you to reinstall windows if it fucks up like this before it will work again. I will say that the when the program does work which is most of the time it's pretty fantastic.

I'm not sure if you did that intentionally, or it was an auto correct typo, but I like it.

>geforce experience can sometimes literally require you to reinstall windows
It's a services glitch. You can fix it easily. Re-installing Windows is a retarded way to reset its permissions.

but on a phone you can snap a photo and immediately share it on twitter, rather than looking for the screenshot and then upload it
this is even faster if he doesn't use twitter on his pc (which most people don't) so he doesn't have to login on twitter

I use GFE cause its a little easier, when it works, but it's not like when it doesn't it's super hard to just download them from a browser.

What is cloud sync? My screenshots folder goes straight to Google Drive and it appears on my phone without me even having to download the image. And not just Google Drive just about every cloud drive provider does something similar.

Good info to know. I had abandoned GFE because of this, since it's barely easier than just manually downloading. This could make it worth it though.

Just go into services.msc and make sure the Nvidia local container is running and set to automatic. W10 just randomly decides it'll just turn it off or block it from auto running on startup. That's always fixed any error I had with it.

Thanks friend. This still won't solve it randomly signing my account out, but it's a start.

uninstall GFE shit and use tiny nvidia update checker

>taking a picture of the screen with your phone

they'll just hire anyone huh. does this shit pay good?

Gfe is a trash program and it takes like 2 minutes to update your drivers if you have some kinda issue.

Game devs and publishers want literal retards in the industry who are willing to take bribes for 9+ scores.

seems like an easy job if you're trying to break into being a modern day """"journalist"""