Ass Creed

>defend your homeland from viking savages
> be portrayed as evil and the bad guy

Man the English can't catch a break

Attached: Alfred_the_Great.png (1280x768, 700.32K)

Ubisoft is a French dev. Of course they'll seethe about England any chance they get.

The English were baddies in AC 3, trying to pacify the colonies

The English were baddies in AC 4, trying to protect innocent people and merchants from rapists and pillagers.

The English are the baddies in the new AssCreed, trying to protect innocents from rapists and pillagers.

I wonder what Ubisoft is thinking.

English are the real bad guys in life. World is going to be so good once the last smelly Anglo dies.



>Alfred the Great has a key role, most likely the game's main antagonist.
King of the Anglo-Saxons is the villain and the invading raping and pillaging migrants are the heroes.
Very interesting.

It's Ubisoft, they are french, the fuck did you expect?

Just like how they try to portray people in real life.

>You care about your heritage? You don't want to become a marginalised minority in your own land? You are literally Hitler!
>Awww poor baby he came from a poor country full of war and poverty it's not his he raped that 10 year old girl, you're nothing but an evil bigot if you send him away!

Ubi is one of the most pozzed companies out there today.

But Anglos colonizing, raping and enslaving natives of other lands is good? Fuck off you dumb nazi

Ubisoft is French.
Ubisoft Montreal is the chief developing studio, guess where Montreal is?

Who did the anglos colonize, rape and enslave in the 9th century?

Kek right on cue

He looks too french to me, honestly, that clothing is way too fine for Alfred.
I just want The Last Kingdom Alfred, not that frog looking motherfucker.

Attached: tlkalfred.jpg (1035x577, 61.95K)

The evil guy in the first was a frenchmen.

>frogcucks still seething
What else is new?

The Welsh

and you care about white people?

Do you think Anglo-Saxons dressed all in wolf fur or something?

I appreciate them for not throwing any kangz into that trailer. Really surprised Ubisoft okayed that.

Is made by a french studio, of course everything looks faggy

Yes, because Anglos spread civilization

Attached: 1486691296981.jpg (678x900, 261.51K)

The English were a civilizing force which brought the rule of law, european style education and universities, representative democracy, western technology, trade, european goods, and pretty much every pleasantry taken advantage by your 3rd world ass, as well as most of the world today, whereas the vikings were a bunch of savages who pillaged a few monasteries and cities along the european coastline for some shiny gold

The Perfidious Anglo is the actual bad guy irl

The war between England and France never truly ended, they just moved onto mild insults and bants.

Ubisoft is French. Of course the Brits are the bad guys.

This, but this guy did it better.

Attached: napoleon-bonaparte-on-horse.jpg (873x1024, 226.41K)

And we're winning this war with ease.

Attached: 154623423443.png (300x250, 27.38K)

I dunno man, making an englishman seethe is pretty damn easy, can do it with three words.
Joan of Arc

Are you guys not familiar with AC? The king will end as a good guy and that guy with the ugly haircut will be the villian.

Nobody asked for that. So now, they will have to make space for nonwhites and give their sisters and daughters as reparations. Based, if I do say so myself.

she was a good girl, even Anglos can admit that now

>Joan of Arc

Attached: 1579893985161.jpg (842x654, 134.88K)

Have you never played ac revelations?

It’s kinda frustrating cause Alfred might be one of the most legitimately good monarchs England’s ever had. Man focused on increasing literacy and improving the lives of his people. The story of his fight against the Vikings is also some legitimately great underdog power of friendship shit. I feel cheated out of being able to play as a sneaky Saxon assassin killing the occupying enemy.