Now that the dust has settled I actually liked the twist

Now that the dust has settled I actually liked the twist

Attached: abbs.png (512x543, 482.66K)

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game feature, open festering wound

Attached: dilol.png (539x517, 225.32K)

it's certainly interesting
from what i've read the game ends on sort of a cliffhanger though right? that's the only part I didn't like

>tfw pre order because other anons have reported shortages of copies
I really hope GS doesnt cuck me and when i go pick up my pre order they just say "sorry lol, heres your deposit back"

I agree. Why does Yas Forums want a cookie cutter sequel to an already mediocre, generic story?

I never wanted a sequel but now that there is one i really hope we have a third part that ends the series.

Yas Forums just wants a western game to flop so they can obsess over trannies and argue al girls need to be sameface anime girls now

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Fuck off Naughty Dog Shill. Also... Hi Neil.

shame with all the spoilers it's basically impossible to enjoy

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The Lastcof Us never meant that much to me. I enjoyed the game to be sure, but I developed no cringy emotional attachment to it like most seemed to. I think Naughty Dog has serious gall having you play out Joel's murder and then take over her AS THE player character who then goes on to kill Ellie. Like, holy shit. I'm actually kind of interested just for the sheer audacity. I guess it fits the theme of hatred we heard about, right?

Yup the fact she has balls of steel also surprised me a bit.

>the biggest writers flop since Death Stranding
Is Sony actually going to proof read these scripts before giving them a quarter billion budget now?

did Druckmann actually believe that women are naturally capable of this physique?

I enjoy the shitposts

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It sucks that Joel dies but who didn't see that coming, really?

I want this game to be popular simply because everyone said it would flop for years and now it's notorious for doing shit other games don't generally do. I've never even played the first one, fuck I don't even have a playstation

With Ellie being the protagonist this time around, we all knew Joel would bite the bullet. It's how they did it that leaves such a bad taste in everyones mouth.

how can you like the twist you dont even know who that tranny is yet

Did more leak? So do we have confirmation on the ending yet?

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Everyone kinda guessed a ‘passing a torch story’ and Joel might die, Most just expected it to be properly written is all

It's not that he died. It's how he died

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>Comments are turned off

>kill the entire cast for shock value
What even is the point? Anyone remember the Mask comics? Exactly.

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I haven't heard anything. I'm pretty sure some user will post it here if more leaks out.

shill shill go away

The bad taste comes from making you play as a tranny/man that completely demolishes everything you love. WTF was Sony thinking greenlighting this game?

Everyone did, but when this murder is supposed to be a moment of "yeah, that's pretty fucked up, but just listen to our explanation for why she did what she did!" it's pretty fucking awful.
This is eerily close to Kojima making you play the final mainline game in the MGS franchise as a no-name surgeon.

Even a non-heroic random encounter death would've been miles better instead of this shit

actually an interesting subversion for a shitty movie game

wow even the name choice sucks

Oh yeah, I agree with that. There is no way Joel would be taken down like that. Guy has been a hardened survivor for TWO DECADES. It reminds me of how they killed of Tyrese back when TWD was in it's prime. It's a stupid way to die. But then again death is sudden, swift and comes to us all in ways we can't always fathom and so on and so forth

Shill? You're here too.

Theres something I find really disturbing and upsetting about the way he dies. I wasn't someone who thought the first game was a faultless masterpiece but I really liked this character and it was pretty great going on that journey with him. Watching him get bludgeoned to death like an animal puts a really gross feeling in my stomach. Probably because bludgeoning someone is one of the worst ways to kill them.

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I didn't come to this thread to cry about it, but just because something's not generic doesn't mean it can't be mediocre or even terrible, and not liking those non-generic mediocre/terrible things doesn't mean you want something generic.

>that texture pop in
Takes me out of it completely.

>that tile pop in

Its paced in a really dumb way that just makes the audience hate the muscular tranny. Wouldve been better if you start playing her way before the incident, then after you've spent time with her group and grown to like them, the incident happens afterwards. Then after grandpa Joel's death, playing with Ellie would make the player feel conflicted.

Now what will happen is everyone just intentionally murders the tranny every chance they get during her gameplay.

Has footage of Abby killing Ellie been leaked yet? I've only seen the fight, which is just a dumb downed version of the David fight from the first game