Vidya confessions time

Vidya confessions time

I sometimes play on easy

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I always play on the hardest difficulty available even if it's my first playthrough.

Nothing wrong with that. I play vidya to relax and unwind, not to sweat my balls off.

I am not afraid to cheat in single player games

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very easy and very hard are the gigachad difficulties

You folks always tend to post this artist's recent illustrations.

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i pick female characters if the options available to look at ass.

>I sometimes play on easy
I'm sorry user but I'm gonna have to ask you to hand over your gamer badge
I'm also stripping you of your right to call yourself a gamer

I was worried about not shitting for two days so I took a few doses of exlax and spent two days blowing soup out of my asshole video games.

I play Souls games offline.


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I play video games.

I play some games soley to listen to the music

are you saying you don't want to be fucked by BIG RED INVADER CHAD COCK

I play Minecraft almost exclusively on Peaceful when exploring because it's comfy

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I have 3 friends on my steam friends list. I hate one of them but they're dating one of the ones I like.
I don't know what I'd do if I lost them. I used to have other friend groups but it's been so long since I've talked to them.
I don't want to be alone but I don't want to branch out before my branches rot.

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is this the same artist that draws cute feet?

I hack whenever I have to farm.

I think anyone who thinks the original Luigi's Mansion isn't the objective best in terms of ghost design, mansion design, general atmosphere, mechanics and gamefeel is absolutely retarded. You can like the sequels, and I myself got plenty of time out of dark moon, but to deny that the original is the best in every way is cringe.

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i'll get to the last boss in a lot of games and instead of even fighting him once i'll usually just move on to another game.

I regularly get fed up with alot of games now and just google what to do next. Which bothers me because when I was a kid, we only had strategy guides that I couldnt afford so i would figure shit out way faster. On only 31 and kind of just get frustrated when they make shit super convoluted.
I guess that leads to my next sin of enjoying the story in a game more then anything else now. I just dont have the patience for shit anymore.

There's nothing chad about invading, the invader has nothing to lose.

no shame. farming is unnecessary padding

Not that user, but Dark Souls 3 has filtered out the invaders by it's anti-invasion mechanics so much that the only ones willing to play are the hyper specialized gank-spank McGees who are zero-fun.

user i...

Hey man, that's 3 more friends than I have.

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>before my branches rot
Why? Who cares if you add new steam friends or not? Join a random discord server for shits and giggles, talk to someone in tf2, friend a store page reviewer because they made a funny review. Jesus Christ.
To be honest, Steam friends mean fucking nothing regardless of the amount, like facebook friends.

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I thin streamlining is often good since only thing that's been removed is busywork.

i add someone on steam to the friends list only to never talk to them ever again.

same, unless it's some permadeath bullshit, i'm not a fan of that

this. from tried to create an easier experience for pvers, but instead they filtered all the chill invaders. all that's left are a bunch of sweaties who will slaughter with no mercy

I like to get carried and have someone else take the lead so most of the time I pretend to be way shittier at games than I really am.

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I dumped a girl over video games. Just after I got out of college.

She didn't like that I played like only 5 hours a week (legit). She was being unreasonable and controlling, and was using vidya as her argument issue.

You folks european?
I'd like some new amigos

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these cum catchers aren't cute

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I buy multiplayer games thinking that i'll be able to make friends on them (like you always here about online). But i never do... and then i stop playing the games

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>M user strikes yet again

I don't know if From play tested as an invader because it's zero fun to invade into a world only to find that the host and his over leveled buddies have cleared out the area and were waiting for you.

Is that panty just a texture? lol

How can you tell?

I beat chrono trigger without saving the MC. I didn't even finish all of the side quests. I still feel guilty for not getting the true ending, but also don't feel bothered enough to do the chore of starting over.

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>game has permadeath difficulty
Is it autism?