What are you favorites Yas Forums?

What are you favorites Yas Forums?

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Those aren't all the same character in different clothes?

Madason/Luca for sure.
I'm getting my ass kicked in DQ2 but I'm so close to beat it. Wtf is that room full of holes

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5 followed closely by 11. Least favorite is 4 because he's a fucking pussy that needs literally everyone else to do his work for him before he defeats the big bad

2 because those goggles are absolutely crazy and I think about them more often than I should.

3 because I've played the shit out of DQ3

5 because he's not a sword-fag

>Xi Higher than IX

Damn that is some mondo shit taste my man.

Is 8 worth a go on 3ds?


Fucking based. Only change I'd make would be to drop VI down a tier.

Game's not even functional anymore, my man.

Swap 9 and 11, and put 8 in great tier and we agree.

>muh 3d graphics and voice acting

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>newest game is also the best most complete
>contrarian zoomeroni doesn't like it
>calls everyone that disagrees with him a zoomer

>Didn't finish
>haven't played
>they won't let me play

I said it was good nigger damn

My favorites are 5 and 7. Very honorable mentions to 4 and 6. The whole Zenithian saga was great.

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7 is really really good, it's just also extremely long, even by DQ standards. A standard non-completionist playthrough is about 70 hours

I has great quality of life, but no orchestrated soundtrack.

What kind of life?

The kind you and I don't have, user.

what are your hopes for XII Yas Forums

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Not him but idk about quality of life but it has two extra party members and I think another ending so thats cool

*it has great quality of life changes*

Holy fuck I need sleep.

I feel that the appeal of VIII is primarily graphix and voice acting, but feel that XI is a genuinely phenomenal game with characters I love, a world that I grew attached to, and a progression/combat system that's actually fun to play and experiment with, compared to VIII's which fails at being truly customizeable and forces players to limit their options if they want o play optimally. IX did fix the fuck out of VIII's progression, but I disliked the multiplayer focus and lack of "characters".

Bring back 8th's crafting system without the long waiting time (3DS Version)

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I liked 4, 8 and 11 the most.
I don't know what people see in 5, I had monster party members most of the game. It was boring.

II that low? I have enjoyed it much more than 1. Though this difficulty curve at the end is being shitty I agree

Magician protag.

The plot is really unique and well written. And the pacing is great. Playable monsters is a bonus for me

>The plot is really unique and well written.
Why? Because sad things happen? People love to bring up slavery and stone staute but both are very short sequences in the game.

To be fair, I don't think any Dragon Quest game is below a 7/10.

The tired "5 is the best one!"
you didn't play it or certainly you did not complete it.

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>all that same face

Hopefully a good game this time. 11 was terrible.