Serious TLOU 2 thread

Alright let's take a break from shitposting for a second because this game actually matters a lot, both to Sony and the industry at large

So I think at this point it's pretty clear the game is not finished. They've had multiple delays running back to last year and the latest delay that was announced "due to covid" did not have a estimation of when the game would ship.

Now the leaks have forced ND to ship sooner rather than later. I imagine they're still in the process of polishing gameplay, combat, movement etc because ND always does their cutscences first.

From what I can gather the departure of Bruce Straley has had a disastrous effect on ND workplace culture. TLOU2 is the first major ND title since he left the company and druckmann is now in charge of everything.

I'm not referring specifically to crunch culture (although that is part of the problem) because it's more or less industry standard at this point. I mean a general atmosphere of misery and loathing because many of the people working on the game are unhappy with creative decisions being made at the top level. Many of the best developers have either quit the studio or been replaced by others who are more willing to fall in line with druckmann's social-political agenda. What this means is we could have another Mass Effect Andromeda on our hands: a badly written, badly concieved, unfinished buggy mess.

According to the leaks, the game was actually going to be pushed back to Q4 2020, possibly even as late as Christmas. That's up to 6 months that ND thought it would need to get the game in an appropriate state to release; it's also roughly 1 year longer than the development cycle was originally slated to run.

All this again points to technical issues with the game. Let me be clear: we all hate the narrative and character choices neil has made with part 2, but those choices are a separate matter from the technical performance/programming component, which is what has to be holding up release.


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As I said before, ND does all the storyboards/casting before they begin working on the technical side of the game. The voice actor for Joel came out around summer of 2019 and said that recording for TLOU2 was finished (meaning all the cinematics and voice lines were done); obviously we are now a year on from that and the game is still in crunch trying to hit a deadline that has now been pushed back twice. (Multiplayer isn't even included in the release, but that's a whole different issue).

ND has the engine and the framework to make TLOU2 every bit as gorgeous and functional as the first one, but I don't believe they have the professional competence to achieve this. Why? Because, as aforementioned, the workplace culture has deteriorated to the point that salaried employees no longer want to work on the game. They hate what their building and that apathy has contributed to sluggish development.

So here's the bottom line: TLOU2 is not finished. It's not in a state where it's fit for release. ND wanted the release pushed back to late 2020. But the leaks forced their hand, and I believe the game will be released next month in a semi-finished state. THEN, in late 2020 (probably Christmas) a "port" or "remaster" of TLOU2 will be announced as a launch title for the PS5. This will essentially be the finished version of the game that ND wanted to deliver day 1

So that's where things stand. Neil and his vision created a toxic workspace, which in turn led to sluggish development; slow development led to a longer project; longer project led to delays; delays led to furloughs; furloughs led to disgruntled employees leaking footage; leaked footage will lead to the game being released in unfinished state; and finally Sony will re-release TLOU2 for PS5 as "directors cut edition" or somesuch other bullshit

so basically it's going to suck shit through a straw and (((druckmann))) deserves all the blame

I'm not reading your blogpost tranny

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what he said

OP why don't you watch the leaks instead of blowing smoke out your ass like a retard/

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I did watch them why don't you read the fucking thread before you shitpost like a mindless faggot

So, I have watched all the leaked footage so far (about an hour and a half) and in all reality, I think a lot of people are taking things out of context. Abby just seems to be a buff chick, that's it. Now, I dislike the idea as playing as her (and it seems we will be for a big chunk of the game).. but I am -trying- to keep an open mind. It seems the leaks of the ending aren't true going off the video(s) we have seen so far. It does seem like this whole game is a cycle of revenge and we are being hit over the head with that message. If Naughty Dog kills off Ellie / makes her the villain.. that is where I draw the line. As of now, that doesn't seem to be the case.

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My only huge gripe is the animation quality which looks way less smooth than that bullshot gameplay trailer

But this is just development footage right - how close is this to the finished product?

>My only huge gripe is the animation quality which looks way less smooth than that bullshot gameplay trailer
I think that one of the reasons on why 70% of the game animators left ND for, they just got sick of making a bullshit game for an egotastic dick

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>virgins upset because they can't fantasize about virtual girls anymore

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I hope it kills the franchise, kills the developer, kills the publisher and mortally wounds the industry

My problem is that the last of us was a basically perfect game.

A sequel adds nothing other than money to someone else's bottom line.

Jeol and ellies story is complete; trying to add to it will make it worse.

Both are gross.

Fuck fags. And fuck dykes. Stop normalizing mental illness.

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I fucking love how all the degenerates at Naughty Dog are probably in overtime crunch mode right now. In the middle of a quarantine. They thought they had an "indefinite" amount of time and are now going to release a buggy mess, It's the cherry on top of the shit sunday. I'm so happy.

Schreier WILL find out who is responsible for this and bring them to JUSTICE!!! Even if that means blocking EVERYONE!!!

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I had to google what's crunch. Good lord, what a terrible American invention. I have never sat at work for longer than 8 hours. Never.

What the FUCK is the difference between TLOU2 and Day's Gone? Aside from the politics

>What this means is we could have another Mass Effect Andromeda on our hands: a badly written, badly concieved, unfinished buggy mess.
I sure fucking hope so.

>I am -trying- to keep an open mind
TLoU was a "good enough" game. Perfect description of a 6/10 game. A good game, nothing spectacular; dissapointing if you take into account prerelease material. Uncharted 4 sucked, The Lost Legacy sucked, every year it was clearer Amy Henning was the soul of Uncharted and Druckmann was kept somewhat in check with TLoU. Now, he was free to do whatever he pleased. He's Naughty Dog's vice-president ffs. If you expected anything good, anything at all from TLoU since its announcement, you deserve this. It's not even like FFVII where the nature of the game was misleading: you knew what you were getting into, yet you thought something good could come from this. Enjoy the game.

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Why are you an anti-semite?

>let's take a break from shitposting

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gameplay wise is everything i was expecting for, it's the plot what's dragging me down into buying it

"Crunch" is just mismanagement & your kike overlords changing the story every two minutes. There wouldn't be crunch if AAA wasn't trying to "best" Hollywood at every second of the day.

you have to be either blind or retarded, tlou makes days gone look like a ps3 game

Because this is a serious game for serious people

because humans being are valued here?

>I think a lot of people are taking things out of context.
Except we have all the context. We know everyone’s motives user, we know every major story beat in which the rest of the plot builds up to. We have all the context along with leaks images to prove it. I wanted to hold out hope too but this game is dead to me

Brainwashed. Worship corporations. Don't forget to stand up and salute when you see the flag on TV or the anthem playing.

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>Abby just seems to be a buff chick, that's it

I hope so because giving a shit about your genitals or pronouns when just daily survive is an ordeal is ridiculous nonsense.

Holy kek, you made my day user

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This is the face of self-delusion and cope. Don't be like this user.

Please fuck off. There's no debating what literally came from the mouth of the director.

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