Why are female characters in the West almost always portrayed as unpleasant or angry...

Why are female characters in the West almost always portrayed as unpleasant or angry, like they have a chip on their shoulder?

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just like real life?

Because western women IRL are unpleasant, angry, and have a chip on their shoulder.
Hence why they rarely make shit nowadays, whereas Jap female creators are all over pretty much every industry.

>he couldn't find a picture of Alloy being angry
Lmao Alloy is qt and there's nothing you can do about it homo

Men are angry so therefore women must be angry too.

The difference between Asian women and white women

Being pleasant is seen as a weak feminine attribute, therefore they must be angry like a strong man, because equality or something.

Western character writing:
>Hmm, let's try and make it like a real person. Give them flaws so they're interesting, and don't be afraid to reduce their appearance if necessary
Japanese character writing:
>Let's make the pink hair a tsundere, the black hair a yandere, and the love interest a moe imouto. The only flaw any of them have is being bad at cooking, which will be played as a gag

The people who advocate most loudly for "strong female role models" are the same people who either hold femininity in outright contentment, or fail to understand how feminine virtues differ from masculine ones. It's funny since Freud was sort of right about the whole 'penis envy' thing. Women who fail to realize the virtues of their sex, or men trying to pander to them, will often demonize the traits inherent to the female sex as weak and undesirable. They then proceed to put masculine traits, both good and bad, on a pedestal. That's why you see so many mannish looking women with crude, domineering, and generally abrasive personalities in media.

This is something that currently plagues the west, mainly America. In the east, they still largely understand and value feminine virtues and traits.

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Vulgar girls are the best as long as they aren't ugly.

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>Alloy is qt

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Because the western ones are trying to write a story whereas the jap ones are trying to write a waifu.

So westerners intentionally write shit while japs write perfection.

Based department?

why do retards like you like to get characters making faces

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>Japanese character writing:
>>Let's make the pink hair a tsundere, the black hair a yandere, and the love interest a moe imouto. The only flaw any of them have is being bad at cooking, which will be played as a gag

Yeah but women really are that shallow most of the times

Bottom is what redditors describe as "positive depictions of women"

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She looks like Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle you freak

There's one element in the leadership of Western media companies that Japan lacks.

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I remember when God of War 2017 (which removed the sex minigames) came out and you saw was the same fucking article by every games outlet talking about how God of War had "grown up"

You'd be pissed off to if you were stuck in a western game.

Shitty example.
The best vulgar girl is still Revy, English notwithstanding.

yes lets have sex minigames when the guys wife just died and has kid with him the perfect time

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>la luz extinguadora

art imitates life

Its because they've been convinced femininity is "bad" and masculinity and testosterone is "good" so the only way they can rationalize their ideology is to make all their female characters act exactly like men or they will lose standing in their cliques

See the last of us's Abby

See how women give birth to the human race, but there are 0 games where you play as a woman protecting their children etc, because to admit that women are child bearers is the biggest sin you can commit, you can only show them yelling and screaming and cursing and acting like men

Looking at the top puts a smile on my face, after a long day of work I don't need to deal with more long faces and shitty attitudes when I'm playing a video game


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They are written by western women who are some of the most horrible people on the planet.

Literally trannies. Nips > Mutts.

>but there are 0 games where you play as a woman protecting their children etc
The only one I can think of that comes close is Plague Tale, but that's a girl protecting her little brother.

come up with some new shit to say retard

still dont understand what you retards have such a problem with this cinematic

>why even live bros

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Actress was perfectly nice looking. No idea why they did this to her face

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it has a girl on it so me must hate

Nihilistic post-modernist subjectivist feminist communist, whatever label you want to call it. A bunch of evil faggots from Germany/France actively infiltrated western academia in the 19th/20th century and this is what happens.

They stand against happiness, flourishing and individual merit. They actively seek to subvert everything for the sake of destruction. It sounds cartoonish, but it's actually true, and it's the real cultural battleground.

You either believe in truth and reality, or you believe in anything-goes subjectivist nihilism. The latter ONLY ends up in destruction.

>got to scrap so far down the barrel have to use the hacker chick from Watch Dogs
Yas Forums remedial ass still pretends like this chick wasn't suppose to be a minor antagonist in the game. You weren't suppose to like her, and the game portrays her as both a bitch and disgusting.

Cause feminism and trannies.

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>multiple ugly as fuck characters
>non western games (poland isn't western)
>disney designs, not original game designs

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dilate and lose weight
Nobody was talking about looks anyway

For this.

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More than half of these look like trannies.

um toxic incels much? rock on my dude, those problematic shitlords just don't like get it. let's unpack this. strong women are amazeballs and attractive female characters are totes incelbait.

They probably have trannies be in their studio use their faces for the characters.

Are you sure those western characters are angry because it looks like they're having orgasms.

These threads are so tiring. What is this the like 500th thread about how Western vidya women don't have big titties. Can just get over this please.

Writers who want to make a strong female character with no idea of how to make a strong character in the first place.

>there are people who think japan is immune
the infection there is already terminal

>Western vidya women don't have big titties

Something something, man jaw, something something, boobs, something something my japanese anime pillow waifus something, feminist sjw, something tranny.

America will die long before they ever get a real foothold in Japan so it's kind of irrelevant.

It's not this time though it about the personalities women are given in games, looks just follow because they're uglier anyway in the West

Hating western games is the most pedestrian opinion on this board.

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