Have you ever been surprised over trophy/achievement aggregates?

Have you ever been surprised over trophy/achievement aggregates?

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>Bizarre Bazaar: Have interracial sex!
>9% of six million players have this achievement

Sometimes I am truly dumbstruck over how someone can beat hard but not easy.

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It's interesting to note how many people purchase games without playing them
>complete mission 1 80% completed
>beat the game 20% completed

More interesting since I believe you have to start the game for steam to count it.

It really is something amazing. I'm often blown away when I see someone with the entire Pyro update checked off, and they're still getting Big Pharma trophies.

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Ranked isn't a good test of skill by any means, but this put into perspective the average skill of fighting game players. I wouldn't even call 530 000s players good, just knowledgeable.

DMC5 also has a pretty big drop off after Mission 18, which sits at 50 percent, and the complete game on DH which is at 30%. I'm amazed 20% of people just did not bother beating Vergil or got filtered

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If you quick glance that last one it looks like a penis rubbing on poison's face.

I've played less than half the games in my steam account

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It's pretty crazy, I like browsing through achievements a lot and I often find some of the most bizarre aggregates. You'd expect a person good with grapplers to have grapple achievements, and his entire library is filled with shoto stuff.

Literally fascinating to see what people are proud of.

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I can only imagine that a lot of those come from people who buy a game without checking to see if their computers can even run it properly. Or maybe they start it in online but play the rest of it offline.

Apparently almost half of people have never died in Sunless Sea, and less than 0.5% have gotten the DLC ending.

They were filtered and we all know why. They were given control of Dante and were suddenly faced with the task of playing an actual character.

In Sekiro 31.8% of people have beaten Sword Saint, 26.8% Demon of Hatred, and 19.2% Great Shinobi Owl. All three of those are pretty shockingly high to me.

I think Hitman 2 must have some of the highest under 10% achievements in my account. probably thanks to the bundle

Even still the game covers you in gold orbs and shit, its crazy they can't mash SDT to victory

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It's intentional.

I beat him since the game was easy but the cutscene before the fight turned me off so much. DMC5 is fucking dead just like FF7, the writers have gone full fucking retard.

I can easily see people not caring if they ran into a bit of trouble. It's not like DMC3 where you were super invested into the story and actually wanted to complete the game.

The cutscene before Dante and Vergil is one of the best in the game, what was your issue about it?

>Sometimes I am truly dumbstruck over how someone can beat hard but not easy.
In DMC5's case, they don't scale down and they'd find beating easy for an achievement a waste of time when they can just move onto hard.

You don't even care, I've dealt with you fags before.

But it takes like a second to beat it.

You don't even have to try!

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Only negatively. Most recent example I remember is REmake 2, where I found out only like 76-ish percent of players reached the RPD

A lot of people have Gears Tactics but apparently aren't playing it.

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>filtered by the most wholesome ending in videogames

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>the writers have gone full fucking retard.
>he figured it out before the fight and not the whole game with retarded V shit

This. I like DMC5 a ton and regularly play it, but a big portion of the fanbase(at least of Yas Forums) is retarded and defensive as fuck.

Of course. I'm always astonished at people's shit taste and abysmal ability at getting gud.

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I knew before the game came out but I can understand how other people would have felt at the end when Nero goes full faggot.

They're the worst fanbase I've ever seen.

Kind of but it's not really surprising. Most people are casual with games so it doesn't really shock me when I see that only 30% of people have finished a game.