ITT: Characters Yas Forums adores

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Thinking anyone here like Nu-sona

my bird bride

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Never played a SMT/persona game, but this one's my favorite.

Attached: 1577996227362.png (1400x1350, 1.39M)

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Lovestruck Fuuka.png (1280x1280, 1.96M)

You don't speak for me


why is your bird bride a thumbnail

Anne is my wife and the love of my life.

Attached: EL_zq4FXkAc5H0D.jpg (1200x1200, 148.24K)

>persona started at 3 get over it

Attached: Shimacunny.jpg (774x1260, 206.83K)

Just like nobody actually likes Smash right? The multiple threads a day are surely only out of spite.

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Such a bimbo.


because hes a retard


>Never played a SMT/persona

Attached: dmw.jpg (720x683, 110.91K)

Based Annchads

someone post that pic of her with huge boobies and little masks over her nipples

No, that's bannable.

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ann's areolae are showing....


Can I post Maya? I think shes cute and it's kind of a shame that they dont use the P1 and P2 character in the stupid spin off games at least. Their designs are really good and it would be a good way to include them without actually needing to write a good story around them.

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so does this count as sfw? it's censored

Kill yourself.

The Naoto one is better...

What a lovely bimbo. All women should aspire to attain this level of fuckdollness.

Made for BJC

Attached: baa.jpg (1024x548, 73.23K)

No it ain't. Also Kunaboto > Metal Owl or whatever his western equivelent is.

Then post it.

Mirin the details on the glock.