*that dramatic musical stinger from Hey Arnold when something bad happens*

*that dramatic musical stinger from Hey Arnold when something bad happens*


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This is going to be the worst drought so far
>Animal Crossing and Xenoblade are the only Switch games this year

Again the original source to all of this came from a Twitter account linking to restartera. There's no concrete proof this is actually a thing, just like all of the "smash leaks".

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Doesn't surprise me

Nintendo is getting ready to make games for their next console, since they've already made the big games on the switch.

Most "insider" leaks turn out to be accurate as long as they aren't about Smash content.

Yeah but unless it's officially stated otherwise, I'm not believing in any of this. Way to many things have been proven wrong and I'm not letting myself be gullible here

Why would the worst case scenario not happen, user? Where do you think you are? When do you think you are?

>*that dramatic musical stinger from Hey Arnold when something bad happens*
fuck off

*that snoy cope

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Don't worry, I'm sure Game Fuck will give you a half-assed Diamond and Pearl Remake announcement later this month.

I'm a huge nintendofag but jesus 2017 set a bad precedent. It was so good that every year after will inevitably feel disappointing lol

>twitter """"""leaker"""""""
Fuck these attention whore trannies.They don't have inside info. They just guess and shill for attention. The wild would be better if Twitter had never been created. It is the biggest shitstain on human history, by far.

Imagine if they delay that half assed attempt of expansion announced for Pokemon because corona.

they would have literally nothing between June and september.

why the fuck does resetera get all of the good leaks

Trannies have disproportionate pull in the "gaming" """journalism""" sphere

Who knew all it took to cause civilization to spiral into a collapse was a slightly worse flu?

It's obviously actual shills when that happens.

No actual leaker is going to use one of the worst possible sites on the internet for it given you literally have to give them one of your cable provider etc. addresses to sign up meaning the companies would be immediately on their ass of it wasn't intentionally posted by them.

Didn't this come from Jeff Grubb? He's nearly always right


we are all gonna be fucked nintendobros
corona is fucking up everything for everyone

Don't know about you guys, but at least I've got Clubhouse Games to look forward to in June.

but... a lot of the time they are actual leakers.
The TLoU2 leaks Yas Forums won't shut the fuck up about initially came from resetera, after all

>own other systems
>play other games

I guess ill just go do that.

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>*that dramatic musical stinger from Hey Arnold when something bad happens*

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>thinking Nintendo even has game to show

C'mon son. You're getting Mario collection and that's it.

I'm talking exclusively third party. I have a pretty big backlog and will definitely try out borderlands when they come out on switch, but I just wish there were more new third party offerings

Do you guys buy new games every week or something?

I know what you're saying, but I've been burned by Nintendo too hard with the Wii regarding third parties so their consoles are strictly secondary to me now so I don't care as much.

>tfw the last good game to come out this year will be Xenoblade Chronicles
Funny how Xenoblade Chronicles was the swan song of the 6th generation the year before the 7th gen's 3DS showed up and the best game to kick off the new decade while it's doing the same thing except it;s before the PS5/Series X comes out and in the next decade.

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>implying hey arnold is for zoomers
im 33 and it came out when i was a child

Re-releases of old games are about the most exciting thing Nintendo can do now.

You realize a company can pretend they didn't have anything to do with it, right?

Yes, it's real information but it's someone doing so at the behest of the company otherwise they'd be sued to death in minutes. Retardera isn't going to protect you when a lawyer shows up asking for your information.

It's funny how Nintendo is going to be staring down the PS5 and Series X with a literal Fisher-Price toy that was already 2 generations behind the PS4 and Xbone to start with, with no further hardware in sight.

no proof