Kirby Thread

what the fuck was this autists problem?

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Swordsman with an inferiority complex of course he'd pull this kinda thing

Isn't this just how senators feel about actually giving citizens the services they already paid for?
>how dare you ask something for nothing, why don't you work it! No your tax dollars are for corporate bailouts, not to be USED

Does Popstar even have a form of government?

Food distribution, not really anything else

Wouldn't be surprised if food stuffs is Popstar's main export. Other than that I guess Popstar is a monarchy

'Villains' who did literally nothing wrong thread?


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I just want to hug Suzie and Taranza.

I want to hug a Waddle Dee

He wanted a good fight.

It's all cute animal walking around waiting to get murdered by kirby, there is no society or government. DDD is a self-proclaimed dictator that absolutely jack shit

I love Meta Knight!

Attached: SSBU_MetaKnight.png (1682x1556, 2.5M)

MK is super underrated in Ultimate. Only run into other players that use him like once a week.

I want to fuck Meta Knight


Dreamland not only got attacked by Nightmare, but then got attacked by Dark Matter.

Meta Knight thought that with how lazy everyone in Dreamland was, if a evil force took over, nobody would be able to fight back, So he wanted to take over and establish his rule.

If it wasn't for Kirby. He would of got his way.

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This was only his what, second appearance? Third? Maybe they just hadn't decided if he was evil or not yet.

The greatest warrior in his race is pink lazy prick that just happens to be the strongest being in the universe. I mean that would piss anyone off.

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>Has a fucking warship
>Has a full crew manning his ship
>Has a huge robot mecha with Heavy Lobster
>Has his own personal knights on top of The Meta-Knights.
>Has a legendary sword

>Not even the captain of the Halberd.

Who the fuck was Captain Vul anyway?

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Why is she so perfect for him?

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Gonna take a guess and say Meta Knight's friend called Vul that Captain's the Halberd.

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I'm pretty sure it was as said, Captain Vul is just a friend pretty sure any final words go through Meta Knight

Meta Knight kind of looks like Strong Bad in one of the Homestar shorts made with MSPaint.

>With Kirby's radish: we're gonna win the competition!

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baste taste

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He's part of my main trio of most use characters, but I hate playing Ultimate in general.

truly, why do I want to bust deep inside this BORB?

I want to rape him so bad. I want to cut off his dominant arm and watch him cry and squeal at my feet as he tries to crawl away, leaving a little bloody stream behind him. I’d take his stupid mask away so I could clearly see his dumb cute baby face streaming with tears, seeing the fear in his eyes knowing he’s not in control anymore, knowing that I could do anything I wanted to him. I’d violate his tiny tiny soft body until he’s numb, until he stops screaming for it to stop, his cries turning into deadened whimpers as he lays there bleeding and broken. I wouldn’t kill him though. I would drag him back with me so I could do this over and over again until he admits he’s no longer a knight or even a puffball, he’s just a toy to be played with.

He wants to employ all the lazy fucks so he can rule the economy.

It has no central government but it does have a few organized groups;
> King Dedede & the Waddle Dees
> Lololo
Monarchy although may be a subject of King Dedede only
> Meta Knight & the Meta-Knights
Private Military
> Daroach & the Squeaks
Band of Thieves
> Kracko
There is definitely some sort of structure present although he might just be a subject of King Dedede
> Floralians
Unclear although were under a Monarchy when Sectonia was in power

Kirby and most of the planet though is just wilderness basically, it's never really clarified how extensive King Dedede's kingdom is, since it could be just located within Dream Land but games like KDL2 and KDL3 take place outside of Dream Land so his Kingdom may be larger.

This is also excluding the times where the planet is taken over by someone like in KDL3 or Planet Robobot.

They look cute.

Hacked my 3ds recently so I played through triple star and robobot. First kirby games I've played in about a decade.

TS was a letdown but Robobot was great. Robobot just felt really fresh which was so nice. The robot was also a lot more fun than I expected, so so so much better than the annoying hyper fruit from TS.

Only really good thing in TS was the kirby battle mode which I just finished doing very hard with all the powers. This mode was really fun. Shame there's no online.

Stop posting on Yas Forums Susie

>wanting to hurt the borb
>not wanting to spoil, cuddle and gently fuck the borb with a strap-on
Go away generate

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