Hey can someone help me understand this scene? It's always irked me, what did he mean by "equipped with ballistics"...

Hey can someone help me understand this scene? It's always irked me, what did he mean by "equipped with ballistics"? Does he mean a gun? If so where was it, she never used it if she had one. Did he mean Leon? Was this just a hit on him as being 'nothing more than a weapon'?

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How so? That doesn't make any sense.

Ashley upskirt crawling level made me break my NoFap

Dude... She's like... 14. Cringe bro, cringe.

She carries a portable rocket launcher with her at all times, she keeps it where the sun doesn't shine. It's not very big though, so that's why she doesn't use it. It's about 7"x5"

She is over 18 and legally breedable.

She's actually an android funded by the Patriots. Her breasts are actually mini-missiles.

She was 22 in game but she does look younger at least facially with the short hair.

Monkey girl got big tiddies


Ballistics like Ballistic missiles, he is making a comparison between said missiles which are large and pointed just like her breasts are

well I was like 15 so big whoop

An android?

Attached: q0IIJesu_400x400.jpg (240x240, 7.67K)

But her breasts don't look like missiles

>which are large and pointed just like her breasts are
They arent through. They are average at best.

The scene is full of double meanings. There's the obvious "ballistics", but when Luis comments "Is she...", Leon understands this as him asking if Ashley is on her period, but Luis is actually asking if she's being controlled by a Plaga.

RE4 is hammy as fuck, but the script is pretty good.

See those two fat sacks jutting out from her chest? They vaguely resemble high caliber munitions. Hence, ballistics

Attached: Copy that. Securing.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)


They're respectable for her age.

Monkeys? Big tits? I got you covered user.

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>MFW Ashley looks like she has the body of a 15 year old girl and the tits of a 25 year old woman

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Dude back in my high school there were girls in their mid teens with tits the size of cantaloupe melons.


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That's nothing, I went to school with a girl who grew big ass tits in 2nd grade. By the end of high school they rested on her desk.

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It's just a "big tit" joke, user.

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Torpedo boobies

>tfw completely blew my chance with a cute girl in middle school that developed huge tits early
>It wasn't even a maybe, she straight up asked me to date her
>I literally just did nothing like a fucking sperg
>Eternally missed out on young love and turned into a jaded asshole
>It keeps me awake to this day

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Get over it user, hindsight is 20/20 as they say.

Don't live your days wishing you handled the past in a different way. Learn from mistakes and carry on.